Archives: Newsletters

GGP Newsletter no. 74 is now available! Read about the release of a new harmonized histories dataset, the French GGS pilot survey and the aim of a new ERC funded project using GGS data.

GGP Newsletter no. 74 | December 2021 & January 2022

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GGP Newsletter no. 74 is now available! Read about the release of a new harmonized histories dataset, the French GGS pilot survey and the aim of a new ERC funded project using GGS data.

GGP Newsletter no. 73 | November 2021

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GGP Newsletter no. 73 is now available! Read about the ESFRI launch, the Danish GGP-connect, and GGP visibility at conferences.

GGP Newsletter No. 72 | October 2021

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GGP Newsletter no. 72 is now available! Read about the Norway GGS, the Estonian pilot data, and exiting news about funding.

GGP Newsletter No. 71 | August-September 2021

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GGP Newsletter no. 71 is now available! Read about the GGP User Conference, the Czech pilot data, and the two new GGP task-forces.

GGP Newsletter No. 70 | July 2021

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GGP Newsletter no. 70 is now available! Read about the programme of the GGP User Conference, the fieldwork planning, and the next GGP-Connect webinars.

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