Archives: Newsletters

GGP Newsletter no. 79 is now available! Read about the GGP’s presence at the European Population Conference 2022, a new data release by the Czech national team and updates from the Central Hub.

GGP Newsletter no. 79 | June 2022

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GGP Newsletter no. 79 is now available! Read about the GGP’s presence at the European Population Conference 2022, a new data release by the Czech national team and updates from the Central Hub.

GGP Newsletter no. 78 | May 2022

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GGP Newsletter no. 78 is now available! Read about newly released partnership and fertility histories, the nitty-gritty of GGS-II and a report on a regional webinar.

GGP Newsletter no. 77 | April 2022

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GGP Newsletter no. 77 is now available! Read about an upcoming new call for user modules, Finland’s first reflections on fielding GGS and updates from the GGP Hub.

GGP Newsletter no. 76 | March 2022

Download GGP-Newsletter-No.-76-March-2022.pdf

GGP Newsletter no. 76 is now available! Read about fieldwork updates, the first Latin-American GGS in Uruguay and exciting training opportunities within the COORDINATE project.

GGP Newsletter no. 75 | February 2022

Download GGP-Newsletter-No.-75-February-2022.pdf

GGP Newsletter no. 75 is now available! Read about fieldwork updates, FReDA and the German GGS and findings from the SSHOC project.


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