Archives: Newsletters

GGP Newsletter no. 49 is now available! Read the latest newsletter for updates on the Contextual Database (CDB) and the GGP User Conference 2019 in Paris, including the link for registration.

Other newsletter items include a short survey about your experience using the GGP website, the GGP participation in the SERISS event at ESRA (Zagreb, 2019), and information about the GGP Master Thesis Award. Also, find news about forthcoming events and recent publications.

GGP Newsletter No. 49 / July 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 49 is now available! Read the latest newsletter for updates on the Contextual Database (CDB) and the GGP User Conference 2019 in Paris, including the link for registration.

Other newsletter items include a short survey about your experience using the GGP website, the GGP participation in the SERISS event at ESRA (Zagreb, 2019), and information about the GGP Master Thesis Award. Also, find news about forthcoming events and recent publications.

GGP Newsletter No. 48 / June 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 48 is now available! Read our latest newsletter for updates on the new Contextual Database (beta version) and the upcoming collaboration with Statistics Canada.

Other items include links to the GGP’s Master Thesis Competition and to the GGP’s Technical Guidelines. Also, news about forthcoming events and recent publications are provided.

GGP Newsletter No. 47 / May 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 47 is now available! Find the latest updates about the beta version of the new Contextual Database (CDB), the Swedish GGS wave 2 Register Data, and the Polish GGS Pre-harmonized Data files of wave 1 and wave 2.

Other newsletter items include links to the Population Europe’s Discussion Paper No. 11 on Migrants Families, and to the Population Europe webinar on the key innovations of the new GGP questionnaire with Tom Emery!

GGP Newsletter No. 46 / April 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 46 is now available! Read our latest newsletter for updates on the GGP’s 5th User Conference in collaboration with INED and the IUSSP! Find out who will be our keynotes and how to submit your abstract!

Other items include details on our Data Visualization Workshop with Ilya Kashnitsky and our new GGP Masters Thesis Award. News about recent & upcoming events and publications is also provided.

GGP Newsletter No. 45 / March 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 45 is now available! Read the latest newsletter for updates on the GGP’s 5th User Conference and details on themes, planned activities and how to submit your abstract. 

Other newsletter items include updates about the GGP’s inclusion on the Estonia Roadmap for Research Infrastructures and the March 2019 kick off meeting the Social Science and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project. News on upcoming events and publications is also provided.

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