Archives: Newsletters

GGP Newsletter no. 54 is now available! Read about the kick-off for the research project FReDA and the inclusion of the Polish infrastructure into the national roadmap. Also read about the 20th anniversary of the GGP.

Other items include a call to report GGP publications, an update on the GGS2020 fieldwork and new user syntax to combine GGS wave 1 with GGS2020 datasets.

GGP Newsletter No. 54 | January 2020

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GGP Newsletter no. 54 is now available! Read about the kick-off for the research project FReDA and the inclusion of the Polish infrastructure into the national roadmap. Also read about the 20th anniversary of the GGP.

Other items include a call to report GGP publications, an update on the GGS2020 fieldwork and new user syntax to combine GGS wave 1 with GGS2020 datasets.

GGP Newsletter No. 53 / November & December 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 53 is now available! Read about a successful funding application in Germany. Also find the latest updates on the application for the ESFRI Roadmap and two new members of the GGP Consortium.

Other items include a call to report Master’s and PhD theses using data of the GGP and a reminder of the GGP citation requirements.

GGP Newsletter No. 52 / October 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 52 is now available! Find the latest updates of the Harmonized Histories dataset and see the GGP mentioned in Population Eurpoe’s Policy Brief on Securing High-quality Data on Populations.

Other items include the meeting of the GGP Council of Partners and the GGP User Conference 2019. News about upcoming events and publications is also provided.

GGP Newsletter No. 51 / September 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 51 is now available! Find the latest updates about the new the Harmonized Histories dataset, and the forthcoming GGP Pilot in Latin America.

Other items include the participation of the GGP at the Expert Meeting: Freedom of Choice – The Foundation of Family Policies in Europe?, and the CB and User Consultation. News about recent & upcoming events and publications is also provided.

GGP Newsletter No. 50 / August 2019

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GGP Newsletter no. 50 is now available! Read our latest newsletter to learn more about the Estionian National Research Infrastructure Roadmap which includes information about the Estonian Generations and Gender Survey 2020 (GGS2020-EE), and how to cite the GGS data (wave 1, and wave 2).

Other items include links to apply for the GGP Master Thesis Award, and to register for the 5th GGP User Conference to be held 24-25 October 2019 in Paris. News about recent & upcoming events and publications is also provided.

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