GGP At a Glance No. 36 / October 2017
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The Generations & Gender Survey is currently preparing for a new round of data collection with entirely fresh samples. There is an updtaed questionnaire and fieldwork procedures which will ensure greater standards and quicker data processing. To demonstrate this new fieldwork procedure and implement the new questionnaire, the GGS is currently been fielded in Belarus. Fieldwork will be finished in November and one aim of the new design is to get data to researchers as quickly as possible. We therefore aim to have a beta version of this dataset ready before Christmas. The updated questionnaire contains comparable life histories to the FFS and GGS but also includes a number of new modules and items aimed at shedding further light on family and life course dynamics. For example, there are a series of items on an individuals’ sense of control. The results from Belarus already indicate that there are considerable differences in ‘control’ across across age groups and genders.
Sense of Control by Respondents and Gender in Belarus