GGP at a Glance No. 25 / December 2015

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When Dads help with the childcare it can free up Mums to return to the labour market and continue their careers. However, analysis using GGP data shows that it’s also important to see what types of tasks Dads are helping out with. ‘Time Structured’ tasks like dressing and feeding children are more closely associated with a Mum’s return to work than more ‘Time Flexible’ tasks such a playing with the children or helping them with homework. Enabling fathers to be involved in such ‘Time Structured’ tasks is difficult to achieve however as they often clash with their own work schedule. This suggests that increasing father’s involvement in ‘Time Structured’ tasks may require bold policy innovations that help change well established practices. The analysis looked at fathers from 17 countries but was unable to find current policy arrangements or labour market indicators that supported father’s engagement in such tasks.

Proportion of fathers with children aged 0-2 participating at least equally in ‘Time Structured’ and ‘Time Flexible’ Childcare tasks in 17 Countries

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