This is the twenty-eighth GGP-Connect webinar and the fifth instalment of the new Insights and Impact series. The webinar was held on the 30th of January at 13:00 (CET). Petra Međimurec (University of Zagreb) presented GGS Croatia: Experiences in Dissemination and Impact.
This is the twenty-seventh GGP-Connect webinar and the fifth instalment of the new Insights and Impact series. The webinar was held on the 28th of November at 13:00 (CET). Aart C. Liefbroer and Lonneke van den Berg (NIDI-KNAW) presented “Showcasing the GGS: Experiences from the Netherlands”.
This is the twenty-sixth GGP-Connect webinar and the fourth instalment of the new Insights and Impact series. The webinar was held on the 31st of October at 13h00 (CET). Martin Kreidl (Masaryk University) and Anna Šťastná (Charles University) presented GGP CZ: Recent Experiences with Data Analysis, Knowledge Dissemination and Policy Impact.
This is the twenty-fifth GGP-Connect webinar and the fourth instalment of the new Insights and Impact series. The webinar was held on the 23rd of May at 13h00 (CET). Aliona Cristei (Programme Analyst on Population and Development, UNFPA Moldova CO) presented “GGS Moldova’s experience in data dissemination for efficient policy improvements and demographic resilience of the country.”
This is the twenty-fourth GGP-Connect webinar and the third instalment of the new Insights and Impact series. The webinar was held on the 25th of April at 13h00 (CET). Gerda Neyer (Stockholm University) presented GGS Sweden: Not only Birth but Intentions, New Pathways to Childbearing?
This is the twenty-third GGP-Connect webinar and the third instalment of the new Insights and Impact series. The webinar was held on the 21st of March at 13h00 (CET). Ignacio Pardo (Universidad De La República) presented the GGS-II database in Uruguay: first insights, debates and impact.
This is the twenty-second webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series and the second instalment of the GGP-Connect Insights and Impact series. The webinar was held on the 22nd of February at 13h00. In this webinar, Norbert Newirth and Isabella Buber-Ennser from the Austrian national team talk about the project phases, key findings, and future prospects of GGS-II Austria.
This is the twenty-first GGP-Connect webinar and the first instalment of the new GGP-Connect Insight and Impact series. This webinar was held on February 1st at 13h00 (Amsterdam time). In this webinar, Bernice Kuang (University of Southampton) talked about launching the first UK GGS dataset.
This is the twentieth webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series. The webinar was held on the 6th of June at 13h00. In this webinar, Ivan Čipin and Petra Međimurec from the Croatian national team talk about ‘Croatia’s experience with the GGS: Survey implementation, current progress and very preliminary findings’.
This is the nineteenth webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series. The webinar was held on the 9th of May at 11h00. In this webinar, Yen-hsin Alice Cheng from the Taiwan national team talks about ‘The Generations and Gender Survey in Taiwan: The survey design and the pilot study’.
This is the eighteenth webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series. The webinar was held on the 28th of March at 13h00. In this webinar, Norbert Neuwirth from the Austrian national team talks about ‘ – Implementation of the GGP in Austria’.
This is the seventeenth webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series. The webinar was held on the 21st of February at 13h00. In this webinar, Aart C. Liefbroer from the national team of the Netherlands talks about ‘The Dutch Generations and Gender Survey: Recruitment strategies GGS-NL phase 1’.
This is the sixteenth webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series. The webinar was held on the 13th of December at 13h00. In this webinar, Brienna Perelli-Harris and Olga Maslovskaya from the UK national team talk about ‘GGS-II wave 1 in the UK: Field work preparation and preliminary results from user testing and an incentive experiment’.
This is the fifteenth webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series. The webinar was held on the 22nd of November at 13h00 (CEST). On behalf of the GGP Questionnaire Task Force, Monika Mynarska talks about ‘Revising the GGS follow-up (wave 2) questionnaire’.
This is the fourteenth webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 11th of October 2022 at 13:00 (CEST). In this webinar, Wojciech Jablonski and Victor Antunes Leocádio from the GGP Central Hub as well as Aat Liefbroer, member of the recently established GGS Methods Group talk about ‘Data Quality in the New GGS-II’.
This is the thirteenth webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 20th of September at 14:00 (CEST). In this webinar, Marisa Miodosky from the regional team of the City of Buenos Aires talks about ‘Fielding a Gender and Generation Survey in Buenos Aires: First steps towards comparing this city with main European Countries’.
This is the twelfth webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 31st of May at 13:00 (CEST). In this webinar, fieldwork coordinators Arieke Rijken and Siyang Kong from the GGP Central Hub talk about ‘Questionnaire length, completion time and break offs in GGS-II, Wave 1’. The result presented are based on survey data and paradata from GGS-II conducted in Norway, Finland and Estonia.
This is the eleventh webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 26th of April at 13:00 (CEST). In this webinar Tiia Sorsa & Miika Mäki (Population Research Institute of the Family Federation of Finland ) talk about GGS in Finland: ‘From adapting the questionnaire to the Finnish context to linking the data to national registers.’ Finland joined GGP for the GGS2020. Fieldwork operations were finalized at the end of March 2022.
This is the tenth webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 22nd of March 2022 at 14h00 (CEST). In this webinar, Ignacio Pardo and Wanda Cabella talk about the lessons they learnt and the challenges they face while conducting a GGS in Uruguay. The insights presented during this webinar are a valuable source of information for researchers planning to conduct large-scale survey research in other Latin-American countries.
This is the ninth webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 22nd of February at 13h00 (CEST). Martin Bujard and Detlev Lück talk about the organization of the GGS survey in Germany and its integration into FReDA. They also share deliberations and decisions about how fieldwork was adapted as a consequence of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in Germany.
This is eight webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 25th of January at 13h00. Laurent Toulemon and Milan Bouchet-Valat talked about the organization of the GGS pilot survey in France and provided insights on response rates through internet and telephone combined with different incentives. They also presented preliminary results on drop-off rates
This is seventh webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 23th of November at 13h00. Lisbeth Loft talked about the GGS in Denmark and provided insights on data collection, data access, and the quality of the data. In addition, the speaker presented some research questions the Danish team hopes to answer using the GGS.
This is sixth webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 26th of October at 13h00. Tiina Tambaum talked about the organisation of the pilot survey and the specificities of the Estonian GGS. She also introduced the incentive scheme that was used during the pilot survey and talked about the respective plans for the upcoming full survey. In addition, Martin Klesment presented some preliminary findings in response to the pilot survey, with a focus on the effectiveness of incentives. Some insights were also provided on how the local survey agency managed reminders to respondents and whether this may have had an effect on response rate.
This is the fifth webinar of the GGP-connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 28th of September at 14h30 (Amsterdam time). Gunnar Andersson (Stockholm University) presented the GGS data collection carried out over 2020-2021 in Sweden. The speaker provided insights on the preparation of the Swedish data collection. The GGS was collected in Sweden to understand the rapid fertility decline that cannot be explained by conventional structural factors or other sources of data. The new round of the Swedish GGS included a shortened version of the GGS questionnaire, as well as new modules on perceived uncertainty, Covid-19 questions, and intensive parenting. A random sample of N = 30,000 people, ages 18-59, were approached. Apart from surveying the national sample, an additional immigrant sub-sample was collected among the five largest immigrant communities in the country.
This is fourth webinar of the GGP-Connect seminar series. The webinar was held on the 29th of June at 13h00 (Amsterdam time). Stuart Gietel-Basten (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and Christian Joy Pattawi Cruz (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) talked about the GGS data collection in Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong SAR). The speakers provided insights on the survey methodology and lessons learnt from designing a GGS pilot in Asia. Preliminary results from the incentive experiments were also presented.
This is the third webinar of the GGP-Connect series. The webinar was held on the 25th of May at 13h00 (Amsterdam time). Lars Dommermuth (Statistics Norway) and Trude Lappegard (University of Oslo) talked about the GGS data collection in Norway. A unique aspect of the data collection is that it was completed using web-only. Moreover, the survey includes specific module on uncertainty in order to study the declining fertility visible in Nordic countries. The speakers provided some insights on the survey methodology and the lessons learnt.
This is the second webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series! The webinar was held on the 26th of April at 13h00 (Amsterdam time). Aliona Cristei (UNFPA country office Moldova) and Aliona Cretu (Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova) talked about the GGS survey in Moldova. The survey is particularly interesting since about half of the data was collected before the start of the pandemic, and about half during it. In addition, Covid-19 questions were included.
This is the first webinar of the GGP-Connect webinar series! The webinar was held on the 30th of March at 12h30. Martin Kreidl (Masaryk University) talked about the GGS Covid-Pilot survey carried out last December in Czechia.