Archives: Events

The GGP and Population Europe were proud to organise a Stakeholder Seminar The future of the generations to come: Youth, Work-Life-Balance and Solidarity in Europe at the European Parliament on 23 January 2018An detailed Event Review, prepared by Population Europe and GGP teams, is available on Population Europe’s website.

The seminar began with three presentations, available below, focusing on research findings about current trends in the transition to adulthood, work-life balance and future needs that current young generations may face in family formation and ageing. Opportunities for policies to tackle pressing societal issues, and the role of social science data infrastructures herein, were discussed.  50 representatives from public policy, civil society and the research community

GGP Director Anne Gauthier opens the stakeholder seminar

GGP Director Anne Gauthier welcomes MEPs, research and civil society representatives to the Stakeholder Seminar

This event, with 50 representatives from public policy, civil society and the research community in attendance, was hosted by Alessia Mosca, Brando Benifei and Emilian Pavel, Members of the European Parliament.

Presentations by leading social science researchers included:

The presentations and discussion about the research findings on new and emerging trends were followed by a panel debate involving representatives from the domains of research, public policy, providers of social science data products and civil society:

Robert Anderson: Head of Social Policies Unit, Eurofound

Panellists discuss the role of social science data in public policy for addressing new and diverse societal challenges

Laura Castiglioni: Head of Family Policy& Family Support Unit, Deutsches Jugendinstitut

Annemie Drieskens: President, COFACE-Families Europe

Philippe Seidel Leroy: Policy & EP Liaison Officer, AGE Platform Europe

Pearl Dykstra: Professor of Empirical Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Deputy Chair of High Level Group of scientists advising Cabinet of European Commissioners

Miguel de la Corte Rodriguez: Legal Expert, DG Justice, European Commission



The Generations & Gender Programme Stakeholder Seminar | The future of the generations to come

The GGP and Population Europe were proud to organise a Stakeholder Seminar The future of the generations to come: Youth, Work-Life-Balance and Solidarity in Europe at the European Parliament on 23 January 2018An detailed Event Review, prepared by Population Europe and GGP teams, is available on Population Europe’s website.

The seminar began with three presentations, available below, focusing on research findings about current trends in the transition to adulthood, work-life balance and future needs that current young generations may face in family formation and ageing. Opportunities for policies to tackle pressing societal issues, and the role of social science data infrastructures herein, were discussed.  50 representatives from public policy, civil society and the research community

GGP Director Anne Gauthier opens the stakeholder seminar

GGP Director Anne Gauthier welcomes MEPs, research and civil society representatives to the Stakeholder Seminar

This event, with 50 representatives from public policy, civil society and the research community in attendance, was hosted by Alessia Mosca, Brando Benifei and Emilian Pavel, Members of the European Parliament.

Presentations by leading social science researchers included:

The presentations and discussion about the research findings on new and emerging trends were followed by a panel debate involving representatives from the domains of research, public policy, providers of social science data products and civil society:

Robert Anderson: Head of Social Policies Unit, Eurofound

Panellists discuss the role of social science data in public policy for addressing new and diverse societal challenges

Laura Castiglioni: Head of Family Policy& Family Support Unit, Deutsches Jugendinstitut

Annemie Drieskens: President, COFACE-Families Europe

Philippe Seidel Leroy: Policy & EP Liaison Officer, AGE Platform Europe

Pearl Dykstra: Professor of Empirical Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Deputy Chair of High Level Group of scientists advising Cabinet of European Commissioners

Miguel de la Corte Rodriguez: Legal Expert, DG Justice, European Commission



4th GGP User Conference 2017

Final Programme 

The 4th GGP User Conference was held on 6 and 7 July 2017 in Berlin. The final programme is available here

This international conference, organised by the Consortium Board of the Generations and Gender Programme, in cooperation with Population Europe and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, brought together researchers working with data from the Generations and Gender Survey and the GGP Contextual Database to present and discuss their most recent methodological approaches and empirical findings. The conference provided a forum for exchange of ideas among existing as well as new GGP users, policy makers and the research community at large.

Please direct questions regarding the conference to

Organizing committee:

Prof. Dr. Anne Gauthier (NIDI and GGP), Prof. Dr. Anette Fasang (WZB – Berlin Social Science Center and Humboldt University of Berlin), Dr. Thomas Emery (NIDI and GGP), Dr. Andreas Edel (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research / Population Europe), and Dr. Daniela Vono de Vilhena (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research / Population Europe) 

User Training – Sequence Analysis in R using the GGS

5th July – WZB, Berlin

The methodological workshop provided a one-day introduction to sequence analysis, a methodological framework to study sequences (or trajectories) of categorical states, such as familial or professional trajectories. The workshop began with a global overview of the uses of sequences analysis in the social sciences before providing a practical introduction on how to run the analysis in R with TraMineR using examples from GGS data. After a short introduction to R, methods available to describe and visualize sets of sequences of categorical states were reviewed. The creation of a typology of trajectories was then discussed.

Bio of the instructor

Matthias Studer is Senior Researcher at the Swiss NCCR program “LIVES overcoming vulnerability: life course perspectives,” and is one of the developers of the TraMineR, an R library for sequence analysis. His research interests include sequence analysis, gendered career inequalities, labor market and social policy evaluation. He published several papers on sequences analysis in international journal such as in Sociological Methods and Research, and more recently a comparison of sequence analysis distance measures in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A.

The course was mainly based on the following articles:

Gabadinho, A., G. Ritschard, N. S. Müller and M. Studer (2011). Analyzing and Visualizing State Sequences in R with TraMineR. Journal of Statistical Software 40 (4), 1-37.

Studer, M. (2013).WeightedCluster library manual: A practical guide to creating typologies of trajectories in the social sciences with R. LIVES Working Papers 24, NCCR LIVES, Switzerland.

Studer, M. and Ritschard, G. (2016), What matters in differences between life trajectories: a comparative review of sequence dissimilarity measures. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 179: 481–511. doi:10.1111/rssa.12125

3rd GGP User Conference 2015


Venue: Campus WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria

The Vienna Institute of Demography, in cooperation with the Consortium Board of the Generations and Gender Programme, hosted the 3rd GGP User Conference. This international conference brought together researchers working with data from the Generations and Gender Survey and the GGP Contextual Database to present and discuss their most recent methodological approaches and empirical findings. The conference provided a forum for exchange of ideas among existing as well as new GGP users, policy makers and the research community at large.

Papers  covered a  range  of  substantive  and  methodological  issues including Survey  methods  and  implementation,  Data  quality  and validation, Methodological considerations in studying demographic behaviour (e.g. accounting for contextual influences), Subjective wellbeing  and  demographic  outcomes,  Labour  market  and  economic  well-being,  Intergenerational  relationships,  Grandparenthood, Retirement, Fertility of subpopulations and different social groups, Fertility intentions and their realization, Division of (un)paid work, Cohabitation, Fertility, Union formation and dissolution.

Local Organizing Committee: Isabella Buber-Ennser, Éva Beaujouan, Maria Winkler-Dworak, Lisa Janisch, Inga Freund

Scientific Committee: Isabella Buber-Ennser (ViD), Tom Emery (NIDI), Anne Gauthier (NIDI), Karel Neels (University of Antwerp), Monika Mynarska (Warsaw School of Economics)

2nd User Conference of the GGP

The DONDENA centre in Milan– in cooperation with the Consortium Board of the Generations and Gender Programme and the Population Unit of the UNECE – is organizing the2nd User Conference of the GGP.

This international conference aims to bring together researchers working with data from the Generations and Gender Survey and the GGP Contextual Database, and invites them to present and discuss their most recent methodological approaches and empirical findings. The conference provides a forum for exchange of ideas among existing as well as new potential GGP users, policy makers and the research community at large.

Papers  will  cover  a  wide  range  of  substantive  and  methodological  issues:  Survey  methods  and  implementation,  Data  quality  and validation, Methodological considerations in studying demographic behaviour (e.g. accounting for contextual influences), Subjective wellbeing  and  demographic  outcomes,  Labour  market  and  economic  well-being,  Intergenerational  relationships,  Grandparenthood, Retirement, Fertility of subpopulations and different social groups, Fertility intentions and their realization, Division of (un)paid work, Cohabitation, Fertility, Union formation and dissolution, The organizers especially encourage the submission of papers using longitudinal data.

Organizing committee:
Arnstein Aassve (DONDENA, Bocconi University)
Pearl Dykstra (Erasmus University)
Anne Gauthier (NIDI)
Sebastian Klüsener (MPIDR)
Trude Lappegård (Statistics Norway)
Anna Matysiak (Warsaw School of Economics)
Cornelia Mureşan (Babeş-Bolyai University)
Elizabeth Thomson (SUDA, University of Stockholm)

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