Data Visualization Workshop
Paris || 22-23 October 2019 || In Partnership with 
Ilya Kashnitsky will be running a two day workshop on visualizing life course data ahead of the GGP User Conference in Paris. The course will use R and the power of Tidyverse to produce stunning and impactful data visualizations of life course data. The workshop will use worked examples based on GGP data and will involve an interactive program. The workshop will take place at INED, and will start at 1 pm on Tuesday October 22 and is scheduled to end around 5 pm on the following day.
Participants are expected to bring their own laptops in order to participate and to pre-install the required R packages.
There is no fee for the course but you will need to cover your own travel and accommodation expenses. Thanks to our partners at IUSSP, we do have financing available for travel and accommodation for one participant who is an IUSSP member and from the Global South. The GGP may also finance a limited number of places. The deadline for application was 31st May and successful candidates will be informed by 14th June.
Venue of the event:
INED – Institut national d’études démographiques
133 Boulevard Davout
75020 Paris
Directions and Hotels nearby