GSS-II Germany Wave 1 has been released. Download the data in the GGP User Space!
A minor update of GGS-II Uruguay Wave 1 has been conducted. The weights were recalculated to better match the population distribution. Additionally, country-specific names and labels were harmonised with other countries to fit our naming conventions. These updates can be found in version 1.3 in the GGP User Space.
A minor update of GGS-II Argentina Wave 1 has been conducted. The variables with the answer categories “strongly disagree” and “strongly agree” were misattributed as “strongly agree” was labelled as “strongly disagree,” and vice versa. This has been corrected in version 1.1
GSS-II UK Wave 1 has been released. Download the data in the GGP User Space!
GSS-II Austria Wave 1 has been released. Download the data in the GGP User Space!