GGP provides free and open access to data for Scientists and Policy Makers

Generations and Gender Survey

The GGS is the core component of the GGP. It is a cross-national panel survey on life-course and family dynamics of individuals aged 18-79 years. With its longitudinal design, including both retrospective and prospective information, the GGS tracks the experiences and changes that individuals go through in their personal lives, such as leaving the parental home, union formation and dissolution, parenthood, and the opportunities and challenges individuals face in their lives. The GGS currently consists of two rounds of data collection:

  1. The first round (GGS-I) has started in 2004 as a three-wave panel study with three-year time intervals. It has collected information from over 200,000 individuals aged 18 to 79 from 19 countries and contributed to the social sciences as a unique longitudinal data resource on families and life course trajectories.
  2. The second round (GGS-II) started in 2020 with a revised questionnaire, enhanced survey design, and refreshed samples. Data collection is currently ongoing. Data from several countries has already been released.

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Fertility & Families Survey (FFS)

Fertility and Family Surveys (FFS) were conducted in the 1990s in 23 member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The surveys are the direct forerunner to the Generations and Gender Survey and the data are therefore highly comparable. The project concluded in 2000 with the FFS Flagship Conference. The micro-data of the surveys is available for research to registered users.

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Harmonized Histories

The Harmonized Histories data file was created by the Non-Marital Childbearing Network. It harmonizes childbearing and marital histories from GGP countries with data from Spain, United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay. The data file builds on the public release files of the GGS by further harmonizing and standardizing the histories within the GGP and ensuring the data is ready for use in event history analysis. Access to the harmonized histories file is provided through the GGP User Space. 

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GGP Contextual Database

The Contextual Database gives easy and open access to comparable, aggregated contextual data, which can be linked to the individual level data of the Generations and Gender Surveys. It contains demographic, economic, and policy indicators. We provide data at the national level, and, wherever possible, at the regional level, for GGP countries as well as other countries in Europe, North America.

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