The core aim of the Generations and Gender Programme is to contribute to the broader discourse on societal challenges and demonstrate the extent to which the GGP data can contribute to policy and research agendas. The impact of the GGP becomes apparent in the following fields:
Publications GGP Research Notes Newsletters Visualisation National Websites Stakeholders
The core aim of the Generations and Gender Programme is to contribute to the broader discourse on societal challenges and demonstrate the extent to which the GGP data can contribute to policy and research agendas. This section provides examples and details of data and findings from research based on GGPs unique longitudinal datasets.
Descriptive findings on partnerships, fertility intentions, childbearing and childrearing
Download Families in Austria 2009 – 2013
The Austrian Institute for Family Studies at the University of Vienna and the Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences jointly planned and prepared the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS). The Austrian GGS was conducted by Statistics Austria with the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth, the Federal Ministry of Science and Research and the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection.
In Austria, the first wave was carried out in 2008/9 and includes 5,000 persons (3,000 women and 2,000 men) aged 18–45 years. Therefore, Austria deviates from the international programme, as it focuses on the persons in the reproductive ages only. The second wave was carried out in 2012/13 where, besides the re-interviewed panel respondents, the next cohorts of young adults were taken into account as well.
This publication summarises first results based on the second wave of the Austrian GGS. It includes a selection of articles originally published in German, available at
Insights from the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS-PL)
Download The Life of Poles
The Institute of Statistics and Demography within the Collegium of Economic Analysis of the Warsaw School of Economics has joined the Generations and Gender Programme. The first wave of the survey was conducted at the turn of the years 2010/2011; the second, at the turn of the years 2014/2015, in cooperation with the Bureau of Research and Statistical Analyses of the Polish Statistical Association. This publication uses the results of analyses presented in articles and studies in which data from both waves of the study were used.
Download Changing Families, Complex Lives
Family relationships have changed a lot over the past few decades. Today’s families differ considerably from the 1950s where a male breadwinner was supported by his doting housewife. Families have become less stable, more complex and highly diversified. The rapid ageing of European populations has also contributed to this rapid pace of change and new types of families have emerged alongside new relationships between generations and between genders. Understanding these changes will help us meet many of the challenges that societies face today such as: How do we support and care for older people? How is disadvantage inherited? Why are women having fewer children? Changing Families, Complex Lives presents research aimed at answering these questions.
Why we need EuroCohort, GGP and SHARE in Europe
Download Securing High-quality Data on Populations
Evidence from the Generations & Gender Programme
Download Migrant Families in Europe
Evidence from the Generations & Gender Programme
Download Gender (In)Equality over the Life Course
It’s time to provide more cross-sectorial support to young people
Download Becoming an Adult in Europe
Download Explaining fertility intentions
Download Factors influencing fertility
Download Targeting groups of women to reduce unmet family planning need
The Research Note Series presents a sample of research findings on central themes of the Generations and Gender Survey. These notes showcase the broad range of individual life course and family dynamics issues into which GGS datasets offer unique insights.
Issues published so far:
Download GGP Newsletter No. 105 February 2025
GGP Newsletter no. 105 is now available! Read about the SoGreen project launch in Brussels, Dutch Demography Day 2025, the GGP User Conference 2025 and more!
GGP Newsletter no. 105 is now available! Read about the SoGreen project launch in Brussels, Dutch Demography Day 2025, the GGP User Conference 2025 and more!
GGP Newsletter no. 105 is now available! Read about the SoGreen project launch in Brussels, Dutch Demography Day 2025, the GGP User Conference 2025 and more!
GGP Newsletter no. 104 is now available! Read about the GGS User Conference in 2025, the release of the first GGS-II Wave 2 country, GGP conference participation and more!
GGP Newsletter no. 103 is now available! Read about the GGP Workshop hosted by the Austrian team, the annual meeting of the UNECE Statistics Standing Working Group on Ageing and more!
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