Community / Bibliography


Claudia Recksiedler and Laura Bernardi
Lone Mothers’ Repartnering Trajectories and Health: Does the Welfare Context Matter
2019, Journal of Family Issues , 40 (17)
Lívia Murinkó
A felnőtté válás életúttípusai, előzményei és kimenetei a 2000-es években Magyarországon.
2019, Demográfia , 62 (2-3) , 153-198
URL, RIS, BibTex
Marko Galjak
Generations & Gender Survey in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia?
2019, Stanovništvo (Population) , 57 (1) , 113-117
RIS, BibTex
Maryia Akulava, Aleh Mazol
The Gender Wage Gap in Belarus: State vs. Private Sector.
2019, Free Network,
RIS, BibTex
Glenn Sandström, Lena Karlsson
Gender gaps and educational differences in living alone across Europe.
2019, N-IUSSP,
RIS, BibTex
Cornelia Mureşan, Livia Oláh Sz.
Men's First Partnership Formation in Four Former State-socialist Countries during the Transition Period.
2019, Romanian Journal of Population Studies , 2 (13) , 35-52
RIS, BibTex
Linda Kridahl, Ann-Zofie E. Duvander
Filial care in Sweden. Does childhood family dissolution and parents’ present living arrangements matter for adult children’s support?
2019, Stockholm University,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Roberto Impicciatore, Ariane Pailhé
Do the descendants of immigrants become adults sooner or later than native-born? Evidence from the French Generations and Gender Survey.
2019, Population Europe,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Elisabeth Thomson, Maria Winkler-Dworak and Eva Beaujouan
Contribution of the rise in cohabiting parenthood to family instability: Cohort change in Italy, Great Britain, and Scandinavia
2019, Demography 56 , 56 , 2063-2082
URL, RIS, BibTex
Benjamin Marteau
Separation Among Cohabiting Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples
2019, Population , 74 (4) , 483-506
URL, RIS, BibTex
Burkimsher, M.
Investigating family size differentials by religiosity across Europe: National contexts, expectations and outcomes.
2019, Journal of Religion and Demography , 6 (2) , 228-251
URL, RIS, BibTex
Lívia Murinkó, Adél Rohr
Partnerships and marriage
2019, Demographic Portrait of Hungary 2018 , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Judit Monostori, Lívia Murinkó
Household and family structure
2019, Demographic Portrait of Hungary 2018 , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Françoise Bartiauxa, Mara Marettib, Alfredo Cartoneb, Philipp Biermannc, Veneta Krasteva
Sustainable energy transitions and social inequalities in energy access: A relational comparison of capabilities in three European countries
2019, Global Transitions , 1 , 226-240
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mihaela Hărăguș
Patterns of Intergenerational Co-residence in Seven Central and Eastern European Countries
2019, Romanian Journal of Population Studies , 13 (1) , 47-72
URL, RIS, BibTex
Thijs van den Broek, Marco Tosi, Emily Grundy
Offspring and later-life loneliness in Eastern and Western Europe
2019, Zeitschrift für Familienforschung/Journal of Family Research , 31 (2)
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ogg Jim, Sylvie Renaut
The influence of family and professional lifecourse histories on economic activity among older French workers
2019, Ageing & Society , 39 (10) , 2242-2266
URL, RIS, BibTex
Helga A. G. de Valk, Valeria Bordone
Co-residence of adult children with their parents: differences by migration background explored and explained
2019, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , 45 (10) , 1790-1812
URL, RIS, BibTex
Marco Tosi, Emily Grundy
Intergenerational contacts and depressive symptoms among older parents in Eastern Europe
2019, Aging & Mental ealth ,
RIS, BibTex
Allan Puur, Hanna Vseviov, Liili Abuladze
Fertility Intentions and Views on Gender Roles: Russian Women in Estonia from an Origin-destination Perspective
2019, Comparative Population Studies , 43
URL, RIS, BibTex
Erik Carlsson
Fertility Intentions across Immigrant Generations in Sweden Do Patterns of Adaptation Differ by Gender and Origin?
2019, Comparative Population Studies , 43
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik, Eva Bernhardt
Gendered expectations: expected consequences of union formation across Europe
2019, Journal of Family Studies , 25 (2) , 214-231
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dina Maskileyson, Moshe Semyonov, and Eldad Davidov.
In search of the healthy immigrant effect in four west European countries
2019, Social Inclusion , 7 (4) , 304-319
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mirko K. Braack and Nadja Milewski
A different perspective on exogamy: Are non-migrant partners in mixed unions more liberal in their attitudes toward gender, family, and religion than other natives?
2019, Zeitschrift für Familienforschung/Journal of Family Research , 31 (3) , 361-386
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mirko K. Braack and Nadja Milewski
A different perspective on exogamy: Are non-migrant partners in mixed unions more liberal in their attitudes toward gender, family, and religion than other natives?
2019, ZfF – Zeitschrift für Familienforschung / Journal of Family Research , 31 (3) , 361-386
RIS, BibTex
Nekehia Tamara Quashie, Bruno Arpino, Radoslaw Antczak and Chrisitne A. Mair
Childlessness and Health among Older Adults: Variation across 5 Outcomes and 20 Countries
2019, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Iñaki Permanyer, Albert Esteve, and Joan Garcia.
Decomposing patterns of college marital sorting in 118 countries: Structural constraints versus assortative mating
2019, Social science research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Matthias Doepke and Fabian Kindermann
Bargaining over babies: Theory, evidence, and policy implications
2019, American Economic Review , 109 (9) , 3264-3306
URL, RIS, BibTex
Chiara Bocci and Silvana Salvini
Elderly with and without Children: Do They Report Different Health Conditions?
URL, RIS, BibTex
Anna Kyzlinková and Šťastná–Renáta
Vzdělání a přechod k otcovství v České republice: reflexe dvou společenských kontextů
2019, Sociológia , 51 (4) , 393-419
URL, RIS, BibTex
Alessandra Trimarchi, Jan Van Bavel
Partners’ Educational Characteristics and Fertility: Disentangling the Effects of Earning Potential and Unemployment Risk on Second Births
2019, European Journal of Population , , 1-26
URL, RIS, BibTex
Lars Dommermuth and Sebastian Klüsener
Formation and realisation of moving intentions across the adult life course."
2019, Population, Space and Place , 25 (5)
URL, RIS, BibTex
Thomas Hansen and Britt Slagsvold.
Et Øst-Vest-skille for eldres livskvalitet i Europa? En sammenligning av ensomhet og depressive symptomer i 12 land
2019, Nordisk Østforum , , 74-90
URL, RIS, BibTex
Hana Haskova and Kristýna Pospisilova
Factors contributing to unfulfilment of and changes in fertility intentions in Czechia
2019, Anthropological Researches and Studies , 1 (9) , 15-34
URL, RIS, BibTex
Katharina Herlofson, Svein Olav Daatland, and Marijke Veenstra
Generasjoner imellom: Holdninger til familiens ansvar øst og vest i Europa.
2019, Nordisk Østforum , , 34-53
URL, RIS, BibTex
Márta K. Radó
Tracking the Effects of Parenthood on Subjective Well‑Being: Evidence from Hungary
2019, Journal of Happiness Studies , , 1-26
URL, RIS, BibTex
Eva Beaujouan, Caroline Berghammer
The Gap Between Lifetime Fertility Intentions and Completed Fertility in Europe and the United States: A Cohort Approach
2019, Population Research and Policy Review , 38 (4) , 507-535
URL, RIS, BibTex
Han Sapphire Yu, Aart C. Liefbroer, Cees H. Elzinga
Mechanisms of family formation: An application of Hidden Markov Models to a life course process
2019, Advances in Life Course Research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Sarah E. Patterson, Rachel Margolis
The Demography of Multigenerational Caregiving: A Critical Aspect of the Gendered Life Course
2019, Socius , 5 , 1-19
URL, RIS, BibTex
Brienna Perelli-Harris, Stefanie Hoherz, Trude Lappegård, Ann Evans
Mind the “Happiness” Gap: The Relationship Between Cohabitation, Marriage, and Subjective Well-being in the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Norway
2019, Demography , , 1-28
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ann-Zofie Duvander, Trude Lappegård, Synøve N. Andersen, Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, Gerda Neyer, Ida Viklund
Parental leave policies and continued childbearing in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden
2019, Demographic Research , 40 (51) , 1501-1528
URL, RIS, BibTex
Francesco C Billari, Nicole Hiekel, Aart C Liefbroer
The Social Stratification of Choice in the Transition to Adulthood
2019, European Sociological Review , 35 (5) , 599-515
URL, RIS, BibTex
Glenn Sandström, Lena Karlsson
The educational gradient of living alone: A comparison among the working-age population in Europe
2019, Demographic Research , 40 (55) , 1645-1670
URL, RIS, BibTex
Nina Conkova and Russell King
Non-kin ties as a source of support amongst older adults ‘left behind’ in Poland: a quantitative study on the role of geographic distance
2019, Ageing & Society , 39 (6) , 1255-1280
URL, RIS, BibTex
Katarzyna Suwada
Agency in parents' fertility behaviours—Gaps in the Polish family policy system
2019, Social Policy & Administration , 53 (7) , 1108-1120
URL, RIS, BibTex
Di Giulio, Paola; Impicciatore, Roberto; Sironi, Maria
The changing pattern of cohabitation: A sequence analysis approach
2019, Demographic Research , 40 , 1211-1248
URL, RIS, BibTex
Bernhard Riederer, Isabella Buber-Ennser, Zuzanna Brzozowska
Fertility Intentions and Their Realization in Couples: How the Division of Household Chores Matters
2019, Journal of Family Issues ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Luule Sakkeus, Liili Abuladze, Leen Rahnu, and Allan Puur.
Non-marital childbearing of migrants and their descendants: Russians in Estonia compared with Russians in Russia and Estonians
2019, Revue detudes comparatives Est-Ouest , 4 , 69-113
URL, RIS, BibTex
Maja Djundeva, Lea Ellwardt
Social support networks and loneliness of Polish migrants in the Netherlands
2019, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , , 1-20
URL, RIS, BibTex
Monika Wilińska, Wioletta Grzenda, Jolanta Perek-Białas
Grandmothers and Non-grandmothers in the Polish Labor Market: The Role of Family Issues
2019, Journal of Family Issues ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Lívia Murinkó
Housing consequences of divorce and separation in a 'super home ownership' regime: The case of Hungary
2019, Demographic Research , 40 (34) , 975-1014
URL, RIS, BibTex
Bernhard Riederer, Isabella Buber-Ennser
Regional context and realization of fertility intentions: the role of the urban context
2019, Regional Studies ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Wioletta Grzenda
Survival Modelling of Repeated Events Using the Example of Changes in the Place of Employment
2019, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica , 3 (342) , 183-197
URL, RIS, BibTex
Grundy, Emily, Thijs van den Broek, and Katherine Keenan.
Number of children, partnership status, and later-life depression in Eastern and Western Europe
2019, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B , 74 (2) , 353-363
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rannveig Kaldager Hart
Union Histories of Dissolution: What Can They Say About Childlessness?
2019, European Journal of Population , 35 (1) , 101-131
URL, RIS, BibTex
Yuliya Kosyakova, Theodore P. Gerber
Adult Education, Stratification, and Regime Change: Upgrading and Sidestepping in Russia, 1965–2005
2019, Sociology of Education , 92 (2) , 124-149
URL, RIS, BibTex
Alexandra-Andreea Ciritel, Alessandra De Rose, Maria Felice Arezzo
Childbearing intentions in a low fertility context: the case of Romania
2019, Genus , 75 (1) , 4
URL, RIS, BibTex
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