Community / Bibliography


Tomas Sobotka
The European Middle Way? Low Fertility, Family Change, and Gradual Policy Adjustments in Austria and the Czech Republic
2016, Low Fertility, Institutions, and their Policies. Variations across Industrialized Countries , Springer,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dimiter Philipov, Maria Rita Testa and Ina Jaschinski
Intentions in the life course
2016, Families and Societies Working Paper Series , 53
URL, RIS, BibTex
Berghammer, Caroline, Buber-Ennser, Isabella and Prskawetz, Alexia
Childlessness intentions of young female researchers in Austria. Intendierte Kinderlosigkeit von jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen in Österreich
2016, Zeitschrift für Familienforschung [Journal of Family Research] , 28 (3) , 267-288
URL, RIS, BibTex
Grundy E., Foverskov E.
Age at first birth and later life health in Western and Eastern Europe.
2016, Population and Development Review , 42 (2) , 245-269
URL, RIS, BibTex
Lívia Murinkó, Zsolt Spéder (eds.)
Felhasználói kézikönyv az Életünk fordulópontjai panelkutatás 1–4. hullámához [Users’ guide for waves 1–4 of the Turning Points of the Life Course panel survey]
2016, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Muresan Cornelia and Foldes Ionut
Traiectorii familiale. Romania in context european
2016, Presa Universitară Clujeana,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Gerrit Bauer
Gender Roles, Comparative Advantages and the Life Course: The Division of Domestic Labor in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples
2016, European Journal of Population ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Tineke Fokkema, Andrej Kveder, Nicole Hiekel, Tom Emery, Aart C. Liefbroer
Generations and Gender Programme Wave 1 data collection
2016, Demographic Research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Zsolt Spéder, Tamás Bartus
Educational Enrolment, Double-Status Positions and the Transition to Motherhood in Hungary
2016, European Journal of Population ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rozemarijn Dereuddre, Veerle Buffel, Piet Bracke
Power and the gendered division of contraceptive use in Western European couples
2016, Social Science Research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ralina Panova , Isabella Buber-Ennser
Attitudes towards parental employment: a ranking across Europe, Australia, and Japan
2016, Journal of Research in Gender Studies ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dimitri Mortelmans, Koenraad Matthijs, Elisabeth Alofs, Barbara Segaert
Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution: The Family Kaleidoscope
2016, Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution: The Family Kaleidoscope , Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dirk Hofäcker, Triin Roosalu
Rethinking Gender, Work and Care in a New Europe: Theorising Markets and Societies in the Post-Postsocialist Era
2016, Rethinking Gender, Work and Care in a New Europe: Theorising Markets and Societies in the Post-Postsocialist Era , Palgrave McMillan,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dereuddre, R., Buffel, V., and Bracke, P.
Power and the Gendered Division of Contraceptive use in Western European Couples
2016, Social Science Research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Testa, Maria R., Valeria Bordone, Beata Osiewalska, and Vegard Skirbekk
Are daughters’ childbearing intentions related to their mothers’ socio-economic status?
2016, Demographic Research , 35 , 581-616
URL, RIS, BibTex
Vitor Miranda, Johan Dahlberg, Gunnar Andersson
Understanding Parents’ Preferences for Sex of Children in Sweden: Attitudes and Outcomes
2016, Demography Unit Stockholm , 16
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ekaterina S. Mitrofanova and Alyona V. Artamonova
Studying Family Formation Trajectories’ Deinstitutionalization in Russia Using Sequence Analysis
URL, RIS, BibTex
Gunnar Andersson, Elizabeth Thomson and Aija Duntava
Life-table Representations of Family Dynamics in the 21st Century
URL, RIS, BibTex
B. Perelli-Harris and M. Lyons-Amos
Partnership Patterns in the United States and across Europe: The Role of Education and Country Context
2016, Social Forces , 95 (1)
URL, RIS, BibTex
A. Chrostek, P. Grygiel, M. Anczewska, J. Wciorka, P. Switaj
The intensity and correlates of the feelings of loneliness in people with psychosis
2016, Comprehensive Psychiatry , 70 , 190-199
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mirjam M Fischer, Matthijs Kalmijn and Stephanie Steinmetz
Does tolerance matter? A comparative study of well-being of persons in same-sex and mixed-sex unions across nine European countries
2016, European Societies , , 1-21
URL, RIS, BibTex
Livia Murinko and Ivett Szalma
Fatherhood and men's second union formation: Norway, France and Hungary, 1980s-2000s
2016, Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution: The Family Kaleidoscope , Edward Elgar Publishing,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Wendy Sigle
Conflicting family interests: a challenge for family policy
2016, Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution: The Family Kaleidoscope , Edward Elgar Publishing,
URL, RIS, BibTex
David De Wachter, Karel Neels, Jonas Wood and Jorik Vergauwen
The educational gradient of maternal employment patterns in 11 European countries
2016, Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution: The Family Kaleidoscope , Edward Elgar Publishing,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dimitri Mortelmans, Petra Meier and Christine Defever
Intersectionality in young adults' households: a quantitative perspective
2016, Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution: The Family Kaleidoscope , Edward Elgar Publishing,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Y. Han, A. C. Liefbroer and C. H. Elzinga
Understanding social-class differences in the transition to adulthood using Markov chain models
2016, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Y. (Sapphire) Han, A. C. (Aart) Liefbroer and C. H. (Cees) Elzinga
Understanding social-class di erences in the transition to adulthood using Markov chain models
2016, roceedings of the International Con- ference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ekaterina S. Mitrofanova
Russian Generations: Sequencing the Transition to Adulthood
2016, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Teresa Martín-García, Marta Seiz and Teresa Castro-Martín
Women’s and men’s education and partnership formation: Does the field of education matter?
URL, RIS, BibTex
Jan Rasmus Riebling, Rumiana Stoilova, Dirk Hofäcker
Habits or Frames? Explaining Patterns in the Division of Paid and Unpaid Work in Germany, Bulgaria, France and Hungary
2016, Rethinking Gender, Work and Care in a New Europe , Palgrave Macmillan UK,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rozemarijn Dereuddre, Sarah Van de Velde and Piet Bracke
Gender inequality and the ‘East-West’ divide in contraception: An analysis at the individual, couple, and country level
2016, Social Science & Medicine ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rozemarijn Dereuddre, Sarah Van de Velde and Piet Bracke
Gender inequality and the ‘East-West’ divide in contraception: An analysis at the individual, couple, and country level
2016, Social Science & Medicine ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rozemarijn Dereuddre, Sarah Van de Velde and Piet Bracke
Gender inequality and the ‘East-West’ divide in contraception: An analysis at the individual, couple, and country level
2016, Social Science & Medicine ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rozemarijn Dereuddre, Sarah Van de Velde and Piet Bracke
Gender inequality and the ‘East-West’ divide in contraception: An analysis at the individual, couple, and country level
2016, Social Science & Medicine ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Éva Beaujouan
Fréquence des désaccords, satisfaction dans le couple et séparation
2016, Parcours de Famille ,
RIS, BibTex
Eva Beaujouan
Infécondité et fécondité tardive en France
2016, Parcours de Famille ,
RIS, BibTex
L. Sakkeus, M. Klesment, A. Puur
Parental home characteristics of the 1924–1983 birth cohorts in Estonia
2016, Generations in Estonia: Contemporary Perspectives on Turbulent Times , University of Tartu Press,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rozemarijn Dereuddre, Bart Van de Putte and Piet Bracke
Ready, Willing, and Able: Contraceptive Use Patterns Across Europe
2016, European Journal of Population ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Hans-Peter Kohler
Did children bring happiness and purpose in life
2016, Whither the child? Causes and consequences of low fertility , Routledge,
RIS, BibTex
Anja Steinbach, Anne-Kristin Kuhnt and Markus Knüll
The prevalence of single-parent families and stepfamilies in Europe: can the Hajnal line help us to describe regional patterns?
2016, The History of the Family , 21 (4) , 578-595
URL, RIS, BibTex
Viviana Amati, Silvia Meggiolaro, Giulia Rivellini, Susanna Zaccarin
Relational Resources of Individuals Living in Couple: Evidence from an Italian Survey
2016, Social Indicators Research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Bernhard Riederer and Isabella Buber-Ennser
Realisation of fertility intentions in Austria and Hungary: Are capitals different?
2016, Vienna Institute of Demography Working Papers ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Arianna Caporali, Gerda Neyer, Olga Grigorieva, Sebastian Klüsener, Sandra Krapf, Dora Kostova
The Contextual Database of the Generations and Gender Programme: Concept, content, and research examples
2016, Demographic Research , 35 (9) , 229-252
URL, RIS, BibTex
Robertson, Frances
Re-Drafting Patterns of Femininity: Alternative Print Cultures, Domestic Sewing, and Women Textile Designers
2016, International Society for Cultural History Conference: Genders and Generations,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Y. (Sapphire) Han, A. C. (Aart) Liefbroer and C. H. (Cees) Elzinga
Mechanisms of the transition to adulthood: an application of Hidden Markov Models
2016, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Teresa Martín-García, Marta Seiz and Teresa Castro-Martín
Women’s and men’s education and partnership formation: Does the field of education matter?
2016, Families & Societies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Pearl Dykstra, Christopher Bühler, Tineke Fokkema, Gregor Petrič, Rok Platinovšek, Tina Kogovšek, Valentina Hlebec
Social network indices in the Generations and Gender Survey: An appraisal
2016, Demographic Research , 34 , 995-1036
URL, RIS, BibTex
Isabella Buber-Ennser and Bernhard Riederer
Realisierung von Kinderwünschen in Wien. Ein innerösterreichischer und internationaler Vergleich mit Ungarn und Tschechien
URL, RIS, BibTex
Tsiklauri, Shorena
Population Ageing and Work in Later Adulthood in Georgia
2016, Ilia State University,
URL, RIS, BibTex
DC Hanappi, Isabella Buber-Ennser
When Work Matters for Family Planning: Evidence from the Austrian Generations and Gender Survey
URL, RIS, BibTex
Jan Rasmus Riebling, Rumiana Stoilova, Dirk Hofäcker
Habits or Frames? Explaining Patterns in the Division of Paid and Unpaid Work in Germany, Bulgaria, France and Hungary
2016, Rethinking Gender, Work and Care in a New Europe , Springer,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Thomas, Michael J. and Clara H. Mulder.
Partnership patterns and homeownership: a cross-country comparison of Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
2016, Housing Studies , , 1-29
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rozemarijn Dereuddre, Sarah Van de Velde, Piet Bracke
Gender inequality and the ‘East-West’ divide in contraception: An analysis at the individual, the couple, and the country level
2016, Social Science & Medicine , 161 , 1-12
URL, RIS, BibTex
Moshe Semyonov, Eldad Davidov, Dina Maskileyson
Searching for the 'healthy Immigrant' Across Euopean Countries
2016, Minuet,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Steinbach, A., Hank, K.
Intergenerational Relations in Older Stepfamilies: A Comparison of France, Germany, and Russia
2016, The Journals of Gerentology, Series B , 00 (00) , 1-9
URL, RIS, BibTex
Anja Steinbach and Karsten Hank
Intergenerational Relations in Older Stepfamilies: A Comparison of France, Germany, and Russia
2016, The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological and Social Sciences ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Nadja Milewski & Danny Otto
The Importance of a Religious Funeral Ceremony Among Turkish Migrants and Their Descendants in Germany: What Role do Socio-demographic Characteristics Play?
2016, Journal of Intercultural Studies , 37 (2) , 162-178
URL, RIS, BibTex
A. Regnier-Loilier, Anne-H Gauthier
Parcours de familles: L'enquête Etude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles
2016, INED,
RIS, BibTex
Jonas Wood, Karel Neels and Jorik Vergauwen
Economic and Institutional Context and Second Births in Seven European Countries
2016, Population Research and Policy Review , , 1-21
URL, RIS, BibTex
Jonas Wood, Karel Neels, Jorik Vergauwen
Economic and Institutional Context and Second Births in Seven European Countries
URL, RIS, BibTex
L. Murinkó and I. Szalma
Men’s Fertility in Second Unions in Three European Countries: The Effect of Parenthood Status
2016, Finnish Yearbook of Population Research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Éva Beaujouan
Second Unions Now More Stable than First? A Comparison of Separation Risks by Union Order in France
2016, European Journal of Population , , 1-29
URL, RIS, BibTex
Eva Beaujouan
Second Unions Now More Stable than First? A Comparison of Separation Risks by Union Order in France
2016, European Journal of Population ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Maria Castiglioni, Mihaela Hărăguş, Cristina Faludi, Paul Teodor Hărăguş
Is the Family System in Romania Similar to those of Southern European Countries?
2016, Comparative Population Studies , 40 (5)
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kerstin Ruckdeschel, Lenore Sauer, and Robert Naderi
Reliability of retrospective event histories within the German Generations and Gender Survey: The role of interviewer and survey design factors
2016, Demographic Research , 34 (11) , 321-358
URL, RIS, BibTex
Svetlana Biryukova, Oxana Sinyavskaya and Irina Nurimanova
Estimating Effects of 2007 Family Policy Changes on Probability of Second and Subsequent Births in Russia
2016, Higher School of Economics,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Nobutaka Fukuda
Marriage and Fertility Behaviour in Japan
2016, Springer,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Nitzan Peri-Rotem
Religion and Fertility in Western Europe: Trends Across Cohorts in Britain, France and the Netherlands
2016, European Journal of Population , 32 (2) , 231-265
URL, RIS, BibTex
Nitzan Peri-Rotem
Religion and Fertility in Western Europe: Trends Across Cohorts in Britain, France and the Netherlands
2016, European Journal of Population , 32 (2) , 231-265
URL, RIS, BibTex
Anne H. Gauthier, Tom Emery, Alzbeta Bartova.
"The labour market intentions and behaviour of stay-at-home mothers in Western and Eastern Europe." (2016).
2016, Advances in Life Course Research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Maria Rita Testa, Valeria Bordone, Beata Osiewalska and Vegard Skirbekk
The Relation between Mother’s Socio-Economic Status and Daughter’s Fertility Intentions in Austria, Italy, Bulgaria, and Norway
2016, Vienna Institute of Demography, Vienne Institute of Demography,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Aušra Maslauskaitė and Marė Baublytė
Gender and Re-partnering after Divorce in Four Central European and Baltic Countries
2016, Czech Sociological Review , 51 (6) , 1023-1047
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mieke C.W. Eeckhauta and Megan M. Sweeneya
The perplexing links between contraceptive sterilization and (dis)advantage in ten low-fertility countries
2016, Population Studies , , 1-20
URL, RIS, BibTex
Gerrit Bauer
Domestic Labor in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples
2016, European Journal of Population ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Anne Gauthier, Tom Emery and Alzbeta Bartova
The labour market intentions and behaviour of stay-at-home mothers in Western and Eastern Europe
2016, Advances in Life Course Research ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
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