Community / Bibliography


Tomas Sobotka
Reproductive decision-making in a macro-micro perspective (REPRO). Synthesis and policy implications
URL, RIS, BibTex
Tomas Sobotka
Fertility in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989: Collapse and gradual recovery
2011, Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung , 36 (2) , 246-296
URL, RIS, BibTex
Norbert Neuwirth, Andreas Baierl, Markus Kaindl, Christiane Rille-Pfeiffer and Georg Wernhart
Der Kinderwunsch in Österreich. Umfang, Struktur und wesentliche Determinanten
URL, RIS, BibTex
Norbert Neuwirth
Familienformen in Österreich. Stand und Entwicklung von Patchwork- und Ein-Eltern-Familien in der Struktur der Familienformen in Österreich
URL, RIS, BibTex
Marc Luy, Paola Di Giulio and Graziella Caselli
Differences in life expectancy by education and occupation in Italy, 1980-94: indirect estimates from maternal and paternal orphanhood
2011, Population Studies , 65 (2) , 137-155
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mynarska, M.
Kto planuje mieć dzieci w Polsce do 2015 roku? [Who intends to have children in Poland by 2015?]
2011, Studia Demograficzne , 1(159) , 75-98
URL, RIS, BibTex
Solem, P. E.
Ageing and social participation
2011, Geropsychology. The psychology of the ageing person , Aarhus University Press,
RIS, BibTex
Thomas Hansen and Britt Slagsvold
Alder [Age]
2011, Livskvalitet. Forskning om det gode liv , Fagbokforlaget,
RIS, BibTex
Svein Olav Daatland, Per Erik Solem
Aldring og samfunn. [Ageing and society]
2011, Fagbokforlaget,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Olga Nešporová
Samostatné bydlení mladých - mezinárodní komparace (Bulharsko, Cesko a Nizozemsko) [Independent living arrangements for the young - international comparison (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands)].
2011, Fórum sociální politiky [Social Policy Forum] , 5 , 2-7
URL, RIS, BibTex
Hoem, Jan M. and Muresan, Cornelia
The Role of Consensual Unions in Romanian Total Fertility
2011, First online project publication , 16 (16) , 1-13
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A. and Paloncyová, J.
První partnerská soužití ?eských muž? a žen [First Partnerships of Czech Men and Women]
2011, Životní dráhy z kvantitativní a kvalitativní perspektivy [Life histories in quantitative and qualitative perspective] ,
RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Analýza historie událostí (event history analýza) – možnosti a základní principy p?i studiu životních drah – keynote speaker [Studying life histories with data from quantitative surveys]
2011, Životní dráhy z kvantitativní a kvalitativní perspektivy [Life histories in quantitative and qualitative perspective] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Prioux, F. and Regnier-Loilier, A.
Mariage civil, mariage religieux: pratiques et opinions au fil des générations
2011, Journée Pole Sud "Rites, rituels: de l'util à l'objet de recherche" ,
RIS, BibTex
Lucifora, C. and Meurs, D.
Social risks, familiy values and demand for welfare
2011, AIEL, ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Castro, R.
The role of old mothers on fertility recuperation in European countries
2011, The Public Policy Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Svobodová, K.
Potreby rodin s detmi v CR [The needs of families with children in the Czech republic].
2011, Konference k projektu Šance rodine i zamestnání: Alternativní formy péce o deti [Conference of the Project Chance of family and employment: The alternative forms of childcare] ,
RIS, BibTex
Balbo, N. and Mills, M.
The effects of social capital and social pressure on the intention to have a second or third child in France, Germany, and Bulgaria, 2004–05
2011, Population Studies (Published online) , 65 (3) , 1-17
Régnier-Loiliergnier-Loilier, A. and Vignoli, D.
Fertility intentions and constraints to realizations: France and Italy compared.
2011, GGS: First user conference ,
RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Do survey respondents give the same answers when the partner/spouse is present?
2011, GGS: first user conference ,
RIS, BibTex
Rahnu, L. and Puur, A. and Stanküniené, V. and Zakharov, S. and Maslauskaite, A.
Changing mode of first union formation in the countries of Eastern Europe: the significance of less and more distant demographic divides
2011, First User Conference of the Generations and Gender Programme ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Puur, A., Sakkeus,L., Põldma, A.
Intergenerational family constellations: differentials across sub-populations in the GGS countries
2011, First User Conference of the Generations and Gender Programme ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
De Jong Gierveld, J and Dykstra, P. A and Schenk, N
Living arrangements, intergenerational support types and older adult loneliness in Eastern and Western Europe
2011, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), The Hague and Erasmus University, Rotterdam,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Abuladze, L. and Rijken, A. and van Wissen, L.
Comparing the fertility patterns of first and second generation immigrant Russians in Estonia and the native populations of Estonia and Russia
2011, First User Conference of the Generations and Gender Programme ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Paloncyová, J. and Svobodová, K.
Výsledky výzkum? VÚPSV v oblasti pé?e o d?ti p?edškolního v?ku. [The research results of RILSA in caring for children of preschool age].
2011, Konference k projektu Šance rodin? i zam?stnání: Alternativní formy pé?e o d?ti [Conference of the Project Chance of family and employment: The alternative forms of childcare] ,
RIS, BibTex
Ogg, J. and Renaut, S.
The influence of life course histories on labour market activity among older adults
2011, Communication IAGG ,
RIS, BibTex
Herlofson, K. and Hagestad, G.O. and Slagsvold, B. and Sørensen, A.-M.
Intergenerational family responsibility and solidarity in Europe
2011, Multilinks deliverable , 4.3 (4.3) , 104
URL, RIS, BibTex
Berninger, I. and Weiß, B. and Wagner, M.
On the links between employment, partnership quality, and the desire to have a first child. The case of West Germany
2011, Demographic Research , 24 (24) , 579 - 610
Wiik, K. A. and Dommermuth, L.
Type, number, and incidence. Recent patterns and differentials in relationship careers in Norway
2011, Statistics Norway, Research Department , 650 , 25
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mazuy, M. and Debest, C.
Infécondité volontaire: nouvelles données, nouvelles approches
2011, séminaire de recherche de l'Idup, ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mainguené, A.
Couple, famille, parentalité, travail des femmes
2011, INSEE Première (Data from Erfi) , 1339 (1339) , 4
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kucharová, V.
Sladování pracovního a rodinného života (Work-life balance)
2011, Rodinná politika v centru pozornosti kraj? a obcí (Family policy as a focus of regional and local authorities) , Regional Authority Vysocina,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dommermuth, L. and Klobas, J. and Lappegård, T.
Now or later? The Theory of Planned Behavior and timing of fertility intentions
2011, Advances in Life Course Research (In 2009 it was published as a working paper in Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, University of Bocconi) , 16 (1) , 42-53
Perelli-Harris, B. and Gerber, T. P.
Nonmarital Childbearing in Russia: Second Demographic Transition or Pattern of Disadvantage?
2011, Demography (First published online) , 48 (1) , 317-342
Kreyenfeld, M. and Zeman, K. and Burkimsher, M. and Jaschinski, I.
Fertility data for German-speaking countries. What is the potential? Where are the pitfalls?
2011, MPIDR Working Paper (Rostock) , 003 , 72
URL, RIS, BibTex
Bonnet and Destré and Lefévre
Un éclairage sur la prise en compte des situations familiales dans le système de retraite français : connaissance et opinions
2011, Retraite et société , 60 , 15-41
URL, RIS, BibTex

Nieuwsblad - Mannen onder de 30 hebben het vaakst een latrelatie
URL, RIS, BibTex

De Morgen Drie-op de tien mannen onder de dertig hebben latrelatie
RIS, BibTex

Belang Van Limburg-Lat-relatie populairder dan ooit
RIS, BibTex

Het Laatste Nieuws-Zes op tien Vlamingen waren gehuwd in 2009
URL, RIS, BibTex

La Libre Belgique-le marriage teste majoritaire
RIS, BibTex

Brusselnieuws-Meer LAT-relaties in het Brussels Gewest
URL, RIS, BibTex

De Standaard-Een op de vijf Belgen is single
URL, RIS, BibTex

Nieuwsblad-Een op vijf Belgen is single
URL, RIS, BibTex

De Morgen- Zes op tien Vlamingen waren gehuwd in 2009
URL, RIS, BibTex

Le Soir-Le Belge aime le mariage
URL, RIS, BibTex

Gazet Van Antwerpen-Brusse telt het grootste aantal singles
RIS, BibTex

Metro- Eén op vijf is vrijgezel
RIS, BibTex

Het laatste Nieuws-3 Vlamingen op 5 is getrouwd
RIS, BibTex

Plus de 50% des "20-69 ans" est marié
RIS, BibTex
Winter, T. and Lauwereys, G. and Vanderbeken, H. and Dewaleffe, S. and Pasteels, I. and Neels, K.
GGS wave 1 Belgium: fieldwork
2011, GGP Belgium papers series , 2 , 50
URL, RIS, BibTex
Vandeschrick, C. & Sanderson, J-P.
GGS Wave 1 Belgium: Item non-response
URL, RIS, BibTex
Trentini, C.
Ethnic patterns of returns to education in Bulgaria: do minorities have an incentive to invest in education?
2011, Unece Discussion Papers , 1 , 23
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A. and Paloncyová, J.
První partnerská soužití ceských žen a mužu a rostoucí význam kohabitací. [First Partnerships of Czech Women and Men and the Growing Importance of Unmarried Cohabitation].
2011, Gender, rovné príležitosti, výzkum , 12 , 16-29
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Realisation of childbearing intentions in the Czech Republic
2011, Demografie [Demography] , 53 , 321-332
RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, Anna
Analýza historie událostí (event history analýza) – možnosti a základní principy p?i studiu životních drah. [Event history analysis - possibilities and the basic principles for study life-courses]
2011, Data a výzkum - SDA Info , 5 , 59-83
URL, RIS, BibTex
Spéder, Z. and Kapitány, B.
Factors affecting the realisation of child-bearing intentions in four European countries.
2011, Demographic Research Institute Hungarian Central Statistical Office Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare , 14 , 28
URL, RIS, BibTex
Sharmeen, F. and Timmermans, H.
Effects of residential move on interaction frequency with social network
2011, International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Sanderson, J. P. and Vandeschrick, C. and Eggerickx, T.
Logement et parcours migratoire. La migration comme une alternative à l'adaptation du logement.
2011, 4th Annuan Study Day of the Network "Demography and Territory" ,
RIS, BibTex
Silvana Salvini and Daniele Vignoli
Things change: Women’s and men’s marital disruption dynamics in Italy during a time of social transformations, 1970-2003
2011, Demographic Research (Rostock) , 24 , 145-174
Ruckdeschel, K.
Les intentions de fécondité et l'infécondité en Allemagne
2011, Informations sociales (L'Allemagne à l'épreuve des réformes) , 163 (1-2) , 42–48
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loiliergnier-Loilier, A. and Saboni, L. and Valdes, B.
Presentation and modifications to the GGS questionnaire in France(wave2)
2011, INED Documents de travail , 173 , 146
URL, RIS, BibTex
Arnaud Régnier-Loilier and Daniele Vignoli
Intentions de fécondité et obstacles à leur réalisation en France et en Italie
2011, Population , 66 (2) , 401-431
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Saboni, L. and Valdes, B.
Presentation and Modifications to the Generations and Gender Survey Questionnaire in France (Wave 2) [L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles (Érfi)]
2011, INED Working Paper , 173 , 133
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Fertility intentions and obstacles to their realization in France and in Italy
2011, Population-E , 66 (2) , 361-390
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Pratiques et méthodes de sondage
RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Etudier et avoir des enfants en France
2011, Les mondes étudiants. Enquête conditions de vie 2010 , Coll. Etudes et recherche, La documentation,
RIS, BibTex
La pratique contraceptive en France. Prévalence, méthodes utilisées et implications
2011, La contraception Prévalence, prevention et enjeux de societe , Presses de l’Université du Québec,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Puur, Allan and Sakkeus, Luule and Põldma, Asta and Herm, Anne
Intergenerational family constellations in contemporary Europe: Evidence from the Generations and Gender Survey
2011, Demographic Research (Special issue on Intergenerational family ties in Europe: Multiple linkages between individuals, families and social contexts, edited by P. A. Dykstra) , 25 , 135-172
Ploux-Chillès, A.
L'entrée en parentalité : déterminants, choix du congé et conséquences pour l'emploi
2011, Dossier d’étude , 149 , 1-110
URL, RIS, BibTex
Philipov, D. and Bernardi, L.
Concepts and Operationalisation of Reproductive Decisions. Implementation in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
2011, Comparative Population Studies (available in english and german) , 36 (2-3) , 495-530
URL, RIS, BibTex
Perelli-Harris, B. and Sigle-Rushton, W. and Kreyenfeld, M. and Lappegard, T. and Keizer, R. and Berghammer, C.
The educational gradient of childbearing within cohabitation in Europe
2011, Population and Development Review (first published online, December 2010) , 36 (4) , 775-801
Pasteels, I. and De Winter, T. and Lauwereys, G. and Neels, K.
Wave 1 Interview analysis.
2011, GGP Belgium papers series , 4 , 38
URL, RIS, BibTex
Paloncyová, J.
Vztah profesní dráhy a založení rodiny z hlediska generací žen. [Relation between work and family course with respect to different women generations].
2011, Fórum sociální politiky [Social Policy Forum] , 5 , 2-8
URL, RIS, BibTex
Neyer, Gerda and Lappegård, Trude and Vignoli, Daniele
Gender Equality and Fertility: Which Equality Matters?
2011, DSUNIFI Working Papers , 7 , 44
URL, RIS, BibTex
Neels, K. and Wood, J.
Economic context, social policy and fertility outcomes: a longitudinal analysis of socio-economic fertility differentials in Europe between 1970 and 2000
2011, First user Conference of the GGP "Demographic and Social challenges in an ageing Europe" ,
RIS, BibTex
Neels, Karel and Winter, De, Tom and Vermant, Greten
The quality of demographic data in GGS Wave 1
2011, First User Conference of the GGP 'Demographic and Social Challenges in an aging Europe ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Maslauskaite, A.
Contacts between adult children and their parents in Lithuania: the effects of familial, individual and structural factors.
2011, Filosofija. Sociologija , 4 , 348-364
URL, RIS, BibTex
Lodewijckx, E. and Deboosere, P.
Households and families: Stability and fast developments go hand in hand.
2011, GGP Belgium papers series , 6 , 22
RIS, BibTex
Lauwereys, G. and Neels, K. and De Winter, T.
Wave 1 Response rate calculation.
2011, GGP Belgium papers series , 3 , 64
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kyzlinková, R. and Kotrusová M.
Zamestnanost starších osob na cástecný úvazek: role zdravotního stavu [Part-time employment of older people: the role of health].
2011, Fórum sociální politiky [Social Policy Forum] , 5 , 7-14
URL, RIS, BibTex
Michaela Kreyenfeld and Valerie Martin
Economic conditions of stepfamilies from a cross-national perspective
2011, Journal of Family Research , 2 , 128-153
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kraniauskiene, S.
Tapsmas suaugusiuojy: jaunimo socialine branda Lietuvoje (Becoming of Adult: Transition to adulthood in Lithuania)
2011, Gyventojy studijos. Lietuvos socialini? tyrim? centras , 2 (2) , 144
URL, RIS, BibTex
König, S.
Higher order births in germany and Hungary: comparing the determinants of fertility intentions in a national context
2011, Universität Mannheim Working paper , 146 , 18
URL, RIS, BibTex
Komter A., Moor N.
The impact of familiy structure and disruption on intergenerational emotional exchange in Eastern Europe
2011, European Journal of Ageing , 9(2) , 1-13
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, and Fait, T.
Changes in contraceptive practice and the transition of reproduction pattern in the Czech population
2011, The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care (Data from four Czech surveys carried out as part of international projects in 1993, 1997, 2005, and 2008 were used to document changes in contraceptive practice among Czech women.) , 16 , 161-172
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kitterød, R.H. and Rønsen, M.
Husmor i likestillingsland: Hvem er hjemmearbeidende i dag?
2011, Samfunnsspeilet , 25 (1) , 8-20
URL, RIS, BibTex
Keizer, R. and Dykstra, P. and Poortman, A.R.
Childless individuals and family responsibility in the Netherlands
2011, Journal of Comparative Family Studies , 42(4) , 421-438
RIS, BibTex
Hoem, J. M. and Muresan, C.
An extension of the conventional TFR
2011, European Journal of Population , 27 , 389-402
URL, RIS, BibTex
Hoem, Jan and Muresan, Cornelia
The Total Marital Fertility Rate and its Extensions
2011, European Journal of Population , 27 (3) , 295-312
Katharina Herlofson and Gunhild Hagestad
Challenges in moving from macro to micro: Population and family structures in ageing societies
2011, Demographic Research , 25 , 337-370
Gottard, A. and Mencarini, L and Vignoli, D.
Fertility intentions and outcomes. Implementing the theory of planned behavior
2011, Università degli studi di Firenze working paper , 15 , 34
RIS, BibTex
Geserick, Christine
Ablösung vom Elternhaus. Ergebnisse aus dem Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) 2008/09
2011, Austrian Institute for Family Studies, Vienna,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Gerber, A.
Cultural categories of worth and Polish gender policy in the context of EU accession
2011, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society , 18 (4) , 490-514
URL, RIS, BibTex
Fent, T. and Aparicio Diaz, B. and Prskawetz, A.
Family Policies in the Context of Low Fertility and Social Structure
2011, Vienna Institute of Demography Working Papers , 2 , 24
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dykstra, P. and Schenk, N.
Stabiliteit en verandering in intergenerationele familierelaties: Verschuivingen in relatietypen over een periode van drie jaar
2011, Mens & Maatschappij , 86(4) , 341-371
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dex, S. and Gumy, J.
On the experience and evidence about mixing modes of data collection in large-scale surveys where web is used as one of the mode of data collection
2011, National centre for Research Methods Review Paper (Unpublished) ,
RIS, BibTex
De Winter, T.
Over relaties van de Belgen
2011, GGP Belgium Policy Brief , 1 , 2
RIS, BibTex
Dekker, M.C. and Vinke, J.G. and Ter Meulen, G. and Juffer, F.
Psychosociale iutkomsten van jongvolwasse binnenlands geadopteerden en hun adoptieouders.
2011, Universiteit Leiden,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Daatland, S. and Herlofson, K. and Lima, I.
Balancing generations: on the strength and character of family norms in the West and East of Europe
2011, Ageing and Society , 31 , 1159-1179
Cooney, T. M. and Dykstra, P.
Family obligations and support behaviour: a United States-Netherlands comparison
2011, Ageing and Society , 31(6) , 1026-1050
URL, RIS, BibTex
Chaffaut, D. and Domingo, P.
Evolutions familiales et stabilité des opinions concernant les enfants
2011, Politiques sociales et familiales , 103 , 47-63
URL, RIS, BibTex
Cekota, J. and Trentini, T.
The educational attainment, labour market participation and living conditions of young Roma in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
2011, ECE Discussion Papers , 2011.2 , 45
URL, RIS, BibTex
CAHUC, Pierre and CARCILLO, Stéphane. and GALLAND, Olivier and ZYLBERBERG, André
La machine à trier. Comment la France divise sa jeunesse
2011, éditions Eyrolles,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Cynthia Buckley and Erin Hofmann and Yuka Minagawa
Does nativity matter? Correlates of immigrant health by generation in the Russian Federation
2011, Demographic Research , 24 , 801-824
Buber, I. and Berghammer, C. and Prskawetz, A.
Doing Science, forgoing childbearing? Evidence from a sample of female scientists in Austria
2011, Vienna Institute of Demography Working Papers , 1 , 31
URL, RIS, BibTex
Brugeilles, C. and Sebille, P.
Partage des activités parentales: les inégalités perdurent
2011, Politiques sociales et familiales , 103 , 17-32
URL, RIS, BibTex
Economic Crisis and Recovery: Changes in Second Birth Rates within Occupational Classes and Educational Groups
2011, Demographic Research , 24 , 375-406
Berulava, G. and Chikava, G.
The determinants of the household labour supply: a comparative study
2011, Economic Education and Research Consortium Working Waper , 11/13 E , 33
URL, RIS, BibTex
Beaujouan, E.
La fécondité des deuxièmes unions en France: ages des conjoints et autres facteurs
2011, Population , 66 (2) , 275-312
URL, RIS, BibTex
Beaujouan, E.
Second-Union Fertility in France: Partners’ Age and Other Factors
2011, Population English edition , 66(2) , 239-273
URL, RIS, BibTex
Avdeev, A. and Eremenko, T. and Festy, P. and Gaymu, J. and Le Bouteillec, N. and Springer, S.
Population and demographic trends of European countries, 1980-2010
2011, Population , 66 , 9-129
URL, RIS, BibTex
Altmets, K. and Puur, A. and Uusküla, A. and Saava, A. and Sakkeus, L. and Katus, K.
Self-reported activity limitations among the population aged 20-79 in Estonia: a cross-sectional study
2011, European Journal of Public Health , 21 (1) , 49-55
Aassve, A and Arpino, B and Goisis, A
Grand-parenting and mothers’ labour force participation: A comparative analysis using the Generations and Gender Survey
2011, Dondena Working Papers , 36 (36) , 22
URL, RIS, BibTex
View older publications