Community / Bibliography


Tomas Sobotka
Shifting parenthood to advanced reproductive ages: trends, causes and consequences
2010, A young generation under pressure? , Springer,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Marc Luy
Estimating mortality differentials in developed populations from survey information on maternal and paternal orphanhood
URL, RIS, BibTex
Caroline Berghammer and Julia Schuster
Alles hat seine Stunde? Religiosität und die Zeitpunkte von Ereignissen im Familienverlauf
2010, Familie und Religion. Aktuelle Beiträge aus der interdisziplinären Familienforschung , Budrich,
RIS, BibTex
Brienna Perelli-Harris, Wendy Sigle-Rushton, Michaela Kreyenfeld, Trude Lappegård, Renske Keizer and Caroline Berghammer
The Educational Gradient of Childbearing within Cohabitation in Europe
2010, Population and Development Review , 36 (4) , 775-801
URL, RIS, BibTex
Muresan, C.
Completing Education and Becoming a Mother in Romania
2010, Austrian Academy of Sciences VID annual conference on "From Intentions to Behavior: Reproductive Decision-Making in a Macro-Micro Perspective" ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Roloff, Juliane
Informelle und materielle Hilfe-/Unterstützungsleistungen – Wer sind die Akteure?
2010, Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell. Mitteilungen aus dem Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung , 31 (6) , 12–18
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kitterød, R.H. and Lappegård, T.
A typology of work-family arrangements among dual-earner couples in Norway
2010, Statistics Norway, Research Department , 636 , 32
URL, RIS, BibTex
Berghammer, Caroline
Family Life Trajectories and Religiosity in Austria
2010, European Sociological Review (First published online) , online
Zakharov, S. V.
Transformation of partnership behavior and fertility in Russia
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Veres, V. and Spéder, Z.
Fertility intentions, family size in comparison – Hungary and Transylvania
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Troitskaia, I. and Avdeev, A.
Recent features and factors of contraceptive use in Europe: evidence from the Generations and Gender Survey
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Sinyavskaya, O. and Tyndik, A.
Social capital and gender equity in explaining fertility in Russia
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rizzi, E. L. and Kertzer, D. I.
Intergenerational downward ties and fertility intentions in Italy
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rahnu, L.
Timing of cohabitation among native and foreign-origin women in Estonia
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Puur, A. and Sakkeus, L.
Family constellations in Europe: evidence from the GGS
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Puur, A., Sakkeus, L.
Family constellations in Europe: evidence from the GGS
2010, European Population Conference ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Pasteels, I. and Neels, K.
Union dissolution in the Second Demographic Transition? A longitudinal analysis of educational differentials in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Neyer, G. R. and Lappegård, T. and Vignoli, D. and Rieck, D.
Gender equality and fertility: does context matter?
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Neels, K.
Economic context and fertility outcomes: exploring educational differentials in postponement and recuperation of first births in Belgium, France and the Netherlands
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mencarini, L and Meroni, E. C. and Pronzato, C.
Leaving mum alone? The effect of divorce on leaving home decisions
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mazuy, M. and Debest, C.
Remaining childless in France: being outside social norms
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Martin, V. and Zabel, Cordula
Division of household labor by parenthood status in France and Germany
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kveder, A. and Hiekel, N. and Mikolai, J.
Cross-nationally equivalent data accuracy? Item nonresponse analysis of the generations and gender surveys and implications for international comparative research
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Demographic causes and implications of increased use of ART: Czech Republic in the European context
2010, EAPS conference ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Vybrané aspekty reprodukcního chování populace CR [Selected Aspects of Reproductive Behaviour of the Czech Population]
2010, 18. celostátní kongres k sexuální výchovc CR [The 18th national congress on sexual education in the Czech Republic] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Klesment, M.
A comparison between native and immigrant population in Estonia regarding the effect of education on second births
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Jaschinski, I. and Zeman, K.
Survey data vs. register data: a comparison of indicators in fertility research
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Hofäcker, C. and Riebling, J. and Stoilova, R.
Explaining the Division of Paid and Unpaid Work in Western and Eastern Europe: The Role of Institutional and Cultural Framework Conditions
2010, Joint ECSR/QMSS2/TransEurope Conference. Analysing Education, Family, Work and Welfare in Modern Societies: Methodological Approaches and Empirical Evidence. (Germany) ,
RIS, BibTex
Haragus, P. T.
The division of household labour in Romanian families: between gender ideologies, relative resources and time availability
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Gierveld, J. and Dykstra, P. and Schenk, N.
Familial support arrangements and late life social integration: a comparative perspective
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Fent, T. and Aparicio Diaz, B. and Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, A.
Family policies and low fertility: how does the social network influence the impact of policies
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dykstra, Pearl and Fokkema, Tineke
Responsiveness to increasing parental needs: the role of normative beliefs and relationship quality
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Bonnet, C. and Destre, G.
Retirement entitlements as a parent or spouse?  To what extent are French households aware of these benefits?
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Bognar, B.
Changing partnership trajectories in Hungary after World War II: generations and social groups
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Berulava, G.
The Determinants of the Household Labour Supply: Evidence from Georgia
2010, Ekonomisti , , 45-56
URL, RIS, BibTex
Berghammer, C.
Family life-trajectories and religiosity in Austria
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Aassve, A. and Arpino, B. and Goisis, A.
Grandparenting and mothers' employment: a comparative perspective
2010, European Population Conference 2010 , European Association for Population Studies,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ruckdeschel, K. and Ette, A.
Großeltern oder Kinderkrippe? Zur Bedeutung intergenerationaler Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung im europäischen Vergleich
2010, Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell. Mitteilungen aus dem Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung , 31 (4) , 4-7
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Sample attrition between the French GGS waves 1 and 2
2010, Wirkshop "Panel Maintenance", la Haye ,
RIS, BibTex
Muresan, C.
La solidarité familiale entre ideaux et realité. La Roumanie contemporaine
2010, XVIe Colloque international de l’ AIDELF sur "Relations Intergenerationnelles enjeux demographiques" ,
RIS, BibTex
De Jong Gierveld, J. and Van Tilburg, T.
The De Jong Gierveld short scales for emotional and social loneliness: tested on data from 7 countries in the UN generations and gender surveys
2010, European Journal of Ageing , 7 (2) , 121-130
Brugeilles, C. and Sebille, P.
Partage des activités parentales : le statu quo
2010, Relations intergénérationnelles, Enjeux démographiques ,
RIS, BibTex
Svobodová, K.
Demografické stárnutí a životní podmínky senioru v Ceské republice. [Demographic ageing and living conditions of elderly people in the Czech Republic].
2010, XXXX. konference ceské demografické spolecnosti: Dvacet let sociodemografické transformace [XXXX. Conference of the Czech Demographic Society: Twenty Years of Socio-demographic Transition] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Zmeny reprodukcních vzorcu a individuální souvislosti rodicovství [Changes in reproductive patterns and individual determinants of parenthood]
2010, XXXX. konference Ceské demografické spolecnosti – Dvacet let sociodemografické transformace [XXXX. Conference of the Czech Demographic Society: Twenty Years of Socio-demographic Transition] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rychtaríková, J.
Hlavní zmeny reprodukce obyvatelstva ceské republiky [The main changes to the reproduction of the population of the Czech Republic]
2010, XXXX. konference ceské demografické spolecnosti – Dvacet let sociodemografické transformace [XXXX. Conference of the Czech Demographic Society: Twenty Years of Socio-demographic Transition] ,
RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Populacní politika [Population policies]
2010, XXXX. konference Ceské demografické spolecnosti – Dvacet let sociodemografické transformace [XXXX. Conference of the Czech Demographic Society: Twenty Years of Socio-demographic Transition] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Klesment, M. and Puur, A.
Effects of education on second births before and after societal transition: evidence from the Estonian GGS
2010, Demographic Research , 22 (28) , 891-932
Kocourková, J.
Cross-national variations in reproductive behaviour of Europeans: divergence or convergence?
2010, AAG Annual Meeting ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Hiron, C.
Évolution de la répartition des tâches domestiques après l’arrivée d’un enfant
2010, Politiques sociales et familiales , 99 , 5-26
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
La planification des naissances dans l’année : une réalité peu visible en France
2010, Population , 65 (1) , 191-206
Kreyenfeld, M. and Hornung, A. and Kubisch, K. and Jaschinski, I.
Fertility and union histories from German GGS data: some critical reflections
2010, MPIDR Working Paper , 023 , 28
URL, RIS, BibTex
Brienna Perelli-Harris, Michaela Kreyenfeld, Karolin Kubisch
Harmonized Histories: Manual for the Preparation of Comparative Fertility and Union Histories
2010, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Paper , 11
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Second Births in the Czech Republic
2010, 2 Demographic Conference of "Young Demographers“, Actual Demographic Research of Young Demographers (not only) in Europe ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Beaujouan, E.
Séparations, nouvelles unions: quelles influences sur la fécondité?
2010, Population et Sociétés , 464 (464) , 4
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Le déséquilibre persiste toujours au sein du couple
2010, Tribune dans l’Humanité ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Muresan, C. and Hoem J. M.
The negative educational gradients in Romanian fertility
2010, Demographic Research , 22 (4) , 95-114
Windzio, M. and Aybek, C.
Der Auszug junger Erwachsener türkischer und deutscher Herkunft aus dem Elternhaus: Die Rolle von Wertorientierungen und intergenerationalen Beziehungen
2010, Potenziale intergenerationaler Beziehungen: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels , Ergon Verlag,
RIS, BibTex
Wijckmans, B. and Van Bavel, J.
Divorce and intergenerational family obligations. Past research and current patterns in the Netherlands
2010, Divorce Network Meeting, Oslo, September 2008 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Wengler, A. and Trappe, H. and Schmitt, C.
Häusliche Aufgabenteilung wandelt sich nur zögerlich: Engegement der Männer in Deutschland vor allem bei der Kinderbetreuung gering.
2010, Demografische Forschung aus erster Hand , 7 , 4
URL, RIS, BibTex
Wengler, A.
The influence of immigrant status on health. Exploring the subjective health status of first and second generation Turkish immigrants in Germany.
2010, GK Soclife Working Papers , 5 , 16
URL, RIS, BibTex
Wagner, M. and Weiß, B.
Erwerbssituation und Partnerschaft: Deutsche und türkische Paare im Vergleich
2010, Komparative empirische Sozialforschung , VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften,
RIS, BibTex
Vignoli, D. and Régnier-Loilier, A.
Fertility dynamics in France and Italy. Who are the couples that do not give birth to the intended child?
2010, Dipartimento di statistica Giuseppe Parenti, Università degli studi di Fireneze ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Van Putten, A. E. and Dykstra, P.and Schippers, J.J. and Vlasblom, J.D.
The absence of conflict between paid-work hours and the provision of instrumental support to elderly parents among middle-aged women and men
2010, Ageing and Society , 30 , 923-948
URL, RIS, BibTex
Van Putten, A. E.
Zo moeder, zo dochter, zo vader, zo zoom
2010, Demos, bulletin over bevolking en samenleving , 26(4) , 9-12
URL, RIS, BibTex
Van Ingen, E. and Kalmijn, M.
Does Voluntary Association Participation Boost Social Resources?
2010, Social Science Quarterly , 91(2) , 493-510
URL, RIS, BibTex
Van Gaalen, R. I. and Dykstra, P. and Komter A.
Where is the exit? Intergenerational ambivalence and relationship quality in high contact ties.
2010, Journal of Ageing Studies , 24 , 105-114
URL, RIS, BibTex
Van Bavel, J. and Dykstra, P. A. and Wijckmans, B. and Liefbroer, A.
Demographic change and family obligations.
2010, Multilinks,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Unger, R. and Schulze, A.
Der Einfluss alternder Eltern auf die Gesundheit ihrer erwachsenen Kinder
2010, Potenziale intergenerationaler Beziehungen: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels , Ergon Verlag,
RIS, BibTex
Tölke, A.
Verhalten sich ältere Väter anders als jüngere? Die Vaterrolle aus der Sicht von Vätern und Müttern
2010, Potenziale intergenerationaler Beziehungen: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels , Ergon Verlag,
RIS, BibTex
Testa, M. R.
She Wants, He Wants: Couple’s Childbearing Desires in Austria
2010, Vienna Institute of Demography Working Papers , 3 , 31
URL, RIS, BibTex
Svobodová, K.
Demografické stárnutí a životní podmínky senioru v Ceské republice. [Demographic ageing and living conditions of elderly people in the Czech Republic].
2010, Demografie [Demography] , 52 , 185-194
URL, RIS, BibTex
Svobodová, K.
Strategie a praktiky slad'ování rodinných a pracovních rolí [Strategies and practices of work-life balance].
2010, Demografie [Demography] , 52 , 134-142
RIS, BibTex
Steinbach , A. and Kopp, J.
Determinanten der Beziehungszufriedenheit: Die Sicht erwachsener Kinder auf die Beziehungen zu ihren Eltern
2010, Potenziale intergenerationaler Beziehungen: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels , Ergon Verlag,
RIS, BibTex
Steinbach, A.
Generationenbeziehungen in Stieffamilien. Der Einfluss leiblicher und sozialer Elternschaft auf die Ausgestaltung von Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen im Erwachsenenalter
2010, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Staufenbiel, C.
Warum bekommen die Deutschen keine Kinder mehr? Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland Essay
2010, GRIN Publishing GmbH,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Zmeny reprodukcních vzorcu a individuální souvislosti rodicovství. [Changes in reproductive patterns and individual determinants of parenthood]
2010, Demografie [Demography] , 52 , 77-88
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Neúplné rodiny – žena jako zamestnankyne nebo pecovatelka? Možnosti rodin a prístupy rodinných politik [Lone-parent families – women as employees or care-givers? Options for families and policy approaches]
2010, Demografie [Demography] , 52 , 143-151
URL, RIS, BibTex
Spéder, Z. and Kapitány, B.
Life-course transitions in Hungary before and after the societal transformation
2010, The Welfare State and Life Transitions: A European Perspective , Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Smits, A.
Invloed ouders op woonsituatie volwassen kinderen
2010, Demos, bulletin over bevolking en samenleving , 26(6) , 14-16
URL, RIS, BibTex
Schuster, J. and Buber, I.
Generations and Gender Survey: Familienentwicklung in Österreich (Welle 1) - Gewichtete Häufigkeitsauszählungen
2010, Vienna Institute of Demography,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Schröder, T. and Feldhaus, M.
2010, Handbuch Spezielle Soziologien , Springer,
Schenk, N., and Dykstra, P. A.
Testing how welfare state arrangements might shape intergenerational family solidarity
URL, RIS, BibTex
Sanderson, J. P. and Vandeschrick, C.
Organisation des ménages et solidarités intergénérationnelles en Belgique
2010, International congress of AIDELF ,
RIS, BibTex
Rychtaríková, J.
Názory ceské spolecnosti na postavení muže a ženy v rodine a na trhu práce. [The Opinions of Czech Society on the Position of Men and Women in the Family and in the Labour Market]
2010, Demografie [Demography] , 52 , 20-29
URL, RIS, BibTex
Roloff, Juliane
Determinanten von Generationentransfers: Die Perspektive erwachsener Kinder auf die Unterstützung ihrer Eltern
2010, Potenziale intergenerationaler Beziehungen: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels , Ergon Verl.,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rijken, A. J.
Aard familierelaties tijdens jeugd beïnvloedt krijgen van kinderen
2010, Demos, bulletin over bevolking en samenleving , 26(5) , 12-13
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Vignoli, D.
Fertility dynamics in France and Italy. Who are the couple that do not give birth to the intended childcare
2010, PAA ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Arnaud Régnier-Loilier and Jacques Légaré
Generations and Gender Programme: présentation et perspectives
2010, Santé, Société et Solidarité , 9(2) , 129-135
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Présentation, questionnaire et documentation de l'Etude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles (ERFI-GGS 2)
2010, INED Document de travail (INED Working Paper) , 165 , 212
RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Où en est le mythe du "nouveau père"
2010, Problèmes politiques et sociaux (Femmes-hommes. Des inégalités à l’égalité?) , 968 (968) , 64
RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Attrition entre les deux premières vagues de l’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles
2010, Colloque de méthodologie statistique ,
RIS, BibTex
Rault, W. and Letrait, M.
Formes d'union différentes, profils distinct? Une comparaison des pacsé.e.s en couple de sexe différent et des marié.e.s
2010, Sociologie , 3 , 319-336
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ratikainen, J. and Slagsvold, B.
Arbeidsdeling i hjemmet – et psykologisk perspektiv med data fra LOGG/NorLAG [Division of household labour – a psychological perspective]
2010, NOVA Working Paper , , 37
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rapp, I. and Klein, T.
Empty nest und die Stabilität der Elternbeziehung. Gibt es einen empty nest-Effekt auf das Trennungsrisiko? Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Empty nest and the stability of the parental relationship. Is there an empty nest effect on the separation risk?
2010, Potenziale intergenerationaler Beziehungen: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels , Ergon Verlag,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Puur, A. and Sakkeus, L. and Schenk, N. and Põldma, A. and Dykstra, P.A.
New insights on kin availability, using the Generations and Gender Surveys.
2010, Fourth European Policy Brief for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”. ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Puur, A. and Sakkeus, L. and Schenk, N. and Põldma, A. and Dykstra, P.A.
New insights on kin availability, using the Generations & Gender Surveys.
2010, Fourth European Policy Brief for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”. , , 10
URL, RIS, BibTex
Perelli-Harris, B. and Sigle-Rushton, W. and Kreyenfeld, M. and Lappegard, T. and Berghammer, C. and Keizer, R.
The educational gradient of nonmarital childbearing in Europe: emergence of a pattern of disadvantage?
2010, MPIDR Working Paper , 004 , 1-43
URL, RIS, BibTex
Pailhé, A. and Solaz, A.
L’effet du calendrier du départ du domicile parental sur la répartition des tâches au sein du couple
2010, IATUR 2010 ,
RIS, BibTex
Nešporová, O.
Jak náboženství ovlivnuje rodinný život? : Rozdíly v chování a postojích k rodine mezi ceskými verícími a neverícími. [How religion affects family life? Differences in behavior and attitudes on families among Czech believers and non-believers.].
2010, Lidé mesta /Urban People , 12 , 61-88
URL, RIS, BibTex
Murinkó, L.
Az elso párkapcsolat szerepe a szüloi házból való elköltözésben [The Role of First Partnership in Leaving the Parental Home]
2010, Állandó párbeszédben: A szegedi muhely tisztelgése Utasi Ágnesnek , Belvedere Meridionale- DARTKE,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Mewes, J.
Ungleiche Netzwerke - Vernetzte Ungleichheit
2010, VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften,
RIS, BibTex
Merz, E.
Intergenerationele solidariteit: verschillen tussen migrantengroepen en generaties
2010, Tijdschrift over ouder worden en samenleving , 12(3) , 31-34
RIS, BibTex
Merz, E.M.
Zorgen voor je dierbaren. Oudere-kindrelaties gedurende de levensloop.
2010, Demos, bulletin over bevolking en samenleving , 26(1) , 3-5
URL, RIS, BibTex
Lappegård, T. and Veenstra, M.
Life-course, generation and gender. Field report of the Norwegian and Gender survey
2010, Statistics Norway,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Lappegård, T. and Veenstra, M.
Life-course, generation and gender. LOGG 2007 Field report of the Norwegian Generations and Gender Survey
2010, Statistics Norway , 34 , 125
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kucharová, V.
K otázce podmínenosti slad'ování rodiny a zamestnání individuálními a strukturálními factory [To the issue of conditionality of family and work reconciliation by individual and structural factors]
2010, Demografie [Demography] , 52 , 143-151
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kotwal, A.A.
Physical and psychological health of first and second generation Turkish immigrants in Germany
2010, American Journal Of Human Biology , 22 , 538-545
Konietzka, D. and Kreyenfeld, M.
Familienformen und Lebensbedingungen in Ost und West. Zur sozioökonomischen Lage von Müttern in Deutschland, Frankreich und Russland.[Family forms and living conditions in East and West: socio-economic situation of mothers in Germany, France and Russia]
2010, Leben in Ost- und Westdeutschland: eine sozialwissenschaftliche Bilanz der deutschen Einheit , Frankfurt am Main,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Komter, A. and Keizer, R. and Dykstra, P.
De mannen schter successvolle vrouwen: "Kanjers of maatjes?"
2010, Mens & Maatschappij , 85(4) , 356-379
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Work-life balance in the Czech Republic
2010, Work-Life Balance Policy , Poznan DW Harasimowicz,,
RIS, BibTex
Klesment, M.
Fertility development in Estonia during the second half of the XX century: the economic context and its implications
2010, Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Klein, T. and Rapp, I.
Der Einfluss des Auszugs von Kindern aus dem Elternhaus auf die Beziehungsstabilität der Eltern
2010, Zeitschrift für Soziologie , 39 , 140-150
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kjeldstad, R. and Lyngstad, J.
Utradisjonell likestilling? Analyser av undersøkelsen Livsløp, generasjon og kjønn (LOGG) 2007 [Non-traditional gender equality? Analysis of the 2007 Generations and Gender Survey]
2010, Rapporter , 18
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kjeldstad, R. and Lappegård, T.
Holdninger til kjønnsroller og likestillingspraksis hjemme – Mindre samsvar blant kvinner enn menn. [Gender role attitudes and family practices]
2010, Samfunnsspeilet , 4 , 65-72
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ragni Hege Kitterød and Marit Rønsen
Yrkesarbeid blant par. Når jobber hun minst like mye som han? [Couples' employment. Which women perform as much paid work as their partner?]
2010, Samfunnsspeilet , 24 (1) , 43-54
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kitterød, R.H. and Rønsen, M.
Untraditional couples in a neo-traditional setting. Which women perform as much paid work as their partner?
2010, Statistics Norway, Research Department (The analysis is based on LOGG – Survey on Life course, Generation and Gender 2007- a large survey of people’s lives and activities at various stages of the life course, undertaken by Statistics Norway and the research institute NOVA (Brunborg et al. 2009).) , 607 , 37
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kitterød, R.H. and Rønsen, M.
Untraditional couples in a neo-traditional setting: Which women perform as much paid work as their partner?
2010, International conference on increasing female labour participation. Conference Proceedings (International conference on increasing female labour participation.) ,
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Keizer, R. and Dykstra, P. and Poortman, A.R.
The transition to parenthood and well-being
2010, Journal of Family Psychology , 24(4) , 429-438
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Keizer, R.
Mannen in het gezin
2010, Demos, bulletin over bevolking en samenleving , 26(3) , 6-8
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Huijnk, W. and Verkuyten, M. and Coenders,M.
Intermarriage attitude among ethnic minority and majority groups in the Netherlands: the role of family relations and immigrant characteristics
2010, Journal of Comparative Family Studies , 41(3) , 389-414
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Hoem, J. M. and Muresan, C.
The Total Marital Fertility Rate and its Extensions
2010, Stockholm research reports in demography (Stockholm University) , 13 , 1-23
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Hagestad, G.O. and Herlofson, K.
2010, Det norske samfunn , Gyldendal akademisk,
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Edith Gray and Peter McDonald
Using a Reproductive Life Course Approach to Understand Contraceptive Method Use in Australia
2010, Journal of Biosocial Science , 42 , 43-57
Gedvilaite-Kordusiene, M. and Jasilionis, D. and Reingarde, J. and Sipaviciene, A. and Stankuniene, V. and Baublyte M.
Lietuvos gyventoju politikos metmenys: Kartu ir lyciu tyrimo pamokos [Outlines of population policy in Lithuania: Lessons from generation and gender survey]
2010, Socialiniu tyrimu centras,
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Gabrielli, G. and J. M. Hoem
Italy's non-negligible cohabitation unions
2010, European Journal of Population , 26 , 33-46
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Beziehungswaisen und Beziehungskünstler. Zur Struktur und Bedeutung von intergenerationellen Beziehungen bei Alleinerziehenden.
2010, Potenziale intergenerationaler Beziehungen: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels , Ergon Verlag,
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Földházi, E.
New partnership after first divorce - an event history analysis
2010, Demográfia English Edition (english edition) , 53/10 , 78-101
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Földházi, E.
Dissolution of the First Marriage: Divorce in Hungary and among Hungarian Speaking People Living in Transylvania
2010, Romanian Journal of Population Studies , 2 , 5-22
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Feijten, P. and Mulder, C.H.
Gender, divorce and housing - a life course perspective.
2010, Wohnen und Gender: Theoritische, politische soziale und räumliche Aspekte , VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften,
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Ette, A. and Ruckdeschel, K. and Unger, R. (Hg.)
Potenziale intergenerationaler Beziehungen. Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung des demografischen Wandels
2010, Würzburg: Ergon,
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Dykstra, P. and Van Putten, A. E.
Mantelzorgende mannen: Een kwestie van moete, kunnen of willen.
2010, Tijdschrift voor Social Geneeskunde , 88(6) , 320-328
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Dykstra, P. and Poortman
Economic resources and remainig single: trends over time
2010, European Sociological Review , 26 , 227-290
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De Jong Gierveld, J.
Familiale zorg voor oudere mensen in Oost- en West-Europa. Tijdschrift voor ouder worden en samenleving
2010, Gerôngrafiek , 12 , 1-29
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Daatland, S. and Veenstra, M. and Lima, I.
Norwegian sandwiches: On the prevalence and consequences of family and work role squeezes over the life course
2010, European Journal of Ageing , 7 (4) , 271-281
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Cordazzo, P. and Charton, L.
L’engagement parental du « beau-parent » en famille recomposée
2010, Proposition de communication pour le colloque de l’Aidelf ,
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Cordazzo, P. and Charton, L.
Entraide intergénérationnelle en faveur des enfants dans les classes sociales défavorisées : rapport au temps et à l’espace
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Cordazzo, P.
Famille, précarité et aide des parents aux devoirs
2010, Diversité : ville école intégration , 163 , 165-173
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Bucx, F. and Raaijmakers, Q. and Van Wel, F.
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2010, Journal of Marriage and Family , 72(1) , 117-134
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Buber, I.
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2010, Vienna Institute of Demography Working Papers , 2 , 53
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Buber, I.
Parity-specific weights for the Austrian Generations and Gender Survey
2010, Vienna Institute of Demography Working Papers , 4 , 6
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Blekesaune, M. and Veenstra, M.
Helsevikt og pensjoneringsatferd. [Health and retirement behaviour.]
2010, Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning , 2 (2) , 83-94
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Blaauboer, M. and Mulder,C. H.
Gender differences in the impact of family background on leaving the parental home.
2010, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment , 25(1) , 53-71
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Blaauboer, M.
Family background, individual resources and the homeownership of couples and singles.
2010, Housing Studies , 25(4) , 441-461
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Bjørshol, E. and Høstmark, M. and Lagerström, B.O.
Livsløp, generasjon og kjønn. LOGG 2007 [2007 Generations and Gender Survey]
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Bergland, A. and Thorsen, K. and Loland, N. W.
The relationship between coping, self-esteem and health on outdoor walking ability among older adults in Norway
2010, Ageing and Society , 30 , 949-963
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Badurashvili, I. and Kapanadze, E. and Tsiklauri, S.
Generations & Gender Survey in Georgia. II Wave Report
2010, United Nations Population Fund, Georgian Centre of Population Research,
URL, RIS, BibTex
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