Community / Bibliography


Troitskaia, I. and Avdeev, A. and Badurashvili, I. and Kapanadze, E. and Tretjakova, V.
Etude comparative des pratiques contraceptives: France, Georgie, Lituanie et Russia
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 241-272
Svobodová, K.
Príprava na stárí a odchod do duchodu. [Preparation for old age and retirement].
2009, Reprodukce lidského kapitálu. Vzájemné vazby a souvislosti - II. rocník [Reproduction of human capital II.] , Oeconomica, VŠE, Prague,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Stankuniene, V. and Zakharov, S. and Régnier-Loilier, A. and Maslauskaite, A. and Baublyte M.
La Transition vers de nouvelles formes D‘union en France, en Lituanie et en Russie
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 163-208
Št'astná, A.
Plány na narození dítete a jejich realizace v ceské republice [Realisation of childbearing intentions in the Czech Republic.]
2009, Reprodukce lidského kapitálu. Vzájemné souvislosti a vazby II [Reproduction of human capital II.] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Badurashvili, I. and Tsiklauri, S.
Situations familiales, calendrier de décohabitation et relations intergénérationnelles en Géorgie et en France
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 99-132
Pailhé, A. and Sinyavskaya, O.
Le travail des femmes en France et en Russie : l’effet des enfants et des valeurs de genre
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 273-314
Kucharová, V.
Vybrané souvislosti s?atkového a rodinného chování v ?R v mezinnárodním porovnání [Some circumstances of family behaviour in the Czech republic in cross-national comparison.].
2009, Reprodukce lidského kapitálu. Vzájemné vazby a souvislosti - II. ro?ník [Reproduction of human capital II.] , Oeconomica, VŠE, Prague,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Jaschinski, I.
Der Übergang in eine nacheheliche Partnerschaft: eine vergleichende Analyse zwischen Männern und Frauen auf Basis des deutschen Generations and Gender Surveys // Re-partnering after divorce in Germany: a comparison between men and women based on analysis with the Generations and Gender Survey
2009, MPIDR Working Paper , 038 , 28
URL, RIS, BibTex
De Jong Gierveld, J.
Transitional and long-term living apart together relationships: causes and consequences
2009, Workshop "Understanding European Living Arrangements: Perspectives from Anthropological Demography" ,
RIS, BibTex
Breton, D. and Popova, D. and Prioux, F.
La séparation des parents en France et en Russie : situation et risques du point de vue des enfants
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 37-62
Blum, A. and Sebille, P. and Regnier-Loilier, A.
Une transition vers l’âge adulte divergente en France et en Russie : une perspective générationnelle
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 133-162
Régnier-Loilier, A.
L’arrivée d’un enfant modifie-t-elle la répartition des tâches domestiques au sein du couple?
2009, Population et Sociétés , 461 (461) , 4
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Does the birth of a child change the division of household tasks between partners?
2009, Population & Societies , 461 (461) , 4
URL, RIS, BibTex
De Jong Gierveld, J.
Living apart together after widowhood or divorce: Intimacy and social integration
2009, 62nd annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America ,
RIS, BibTex
Roloff, Juliane
Pflege ist weiblich – Geschlechterdifferenzierte Betrachtung des Pflegebedarfs und Pflegepotenzials
2009, Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell. Mitteilungen aus dem Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung , 30 , 6-10
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Hiron, C.
Évolution de l’organisation domestique après la naissance d’un enfant
2009, Les transformations de la conjugalité : configuration et parcours ,
RIS, BibTex
Rault, W. and Letrait, M.
Pratiques et symboliques d’une nouvelle forme d’union. Le pacte civil de solidarité
2009, Colloque Les transformations de la conjugalités. Configurations et parcours, session « Rituels et formes de légalisation (Université Paris – Descartes) ,
RIS, BibTex
Muresan, C.
Cohabitation, an alternative for marriage in contemporary Romania
2009, International Conference on “Families in Europe between the 19th and 21th Centuries. From the Traditional Model to Contemporary PACS” (Romania) ,
RIS, BibTex
Lugo, L. et al.
Mapping the global Muslim Population. A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Muslim Population
2009, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Demografický vývoj - vybrané aspekty reprodukcního chování ceské populace v evropském kontextu [Demographic development – selected issues of reproductive behaviour of the Czech population within the European context]
2009, 7. Podzimní endokrinologické sympózium [The 7th autumn endocrinoly sympozium] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Wilkoszewski, H.
Age trajectories of social policy preferences. How demographic change influences intergenerational relations
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Troitskaia, I. and Avdeev, A. and Badurashvili, I. and Kostova, D.
Contraception at age 35+: Evidence from the Generations and Gender Survey
2009, XXVIe congrès international d’étude de la population de l’UIESP ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Stoilova, R. and Hofäcker, D. and Riebling, J.-R.
Division of paid and unpaid work between spouses and its impact on female employment patterns in West Germany, East Germany and Bulgaria
2009, 3rd TransEurope Workshop. Transnationalization, globalization and its effects on women’s employment and family transitions. (Estonia) ,
RIS, BibTex
Stankuniene, V. and Zakharov, S. and Bablyte, M. and Maslauskaite, A. and Régnier-Loilier, A.
Transition to the new partnership formation pattern in Lithuania, Russia and France: different paths to convergence?
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Desired and achieved fertililty in the low fertililty context: realization of childbearing intentions with reference to the Czech Republic
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Simó, C. and Solsona, M. and Spijker, J. J. A.
Atlas of divorce and post-divorce indicators in Europe
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Vignoli, D.
Desires, fertility intentions and their outcomes in France and Italy: similarities and differences
2009, XXVI IUSSP International population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Vignoli, D.
Désirs, intentions de fécondité et réalisation en France et en Italie : similitudes et différences
2009, The gap between desired and achieved fertility, XXVIe congrès international d’étude de la population de l’UIESP ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
La déperdition dans les enquêtes longitudinales: l’exemple de l’enquête "Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles"
2009, Courrier des statistiques , 128 , 55-61
URL, RIS, BibTex
Perelli-Harris, B. and Sigle-Rushton, W. and Lappegård, T.
Augmentation des naissances hors mariage à travers l’Europe : convergence ou divergence en termes de niveau d'éducation?
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Pailhé, A. and Spéder, Z.
Family policy and the child penalty in pay: a comparison between France and Hungary
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Pailhé, A.
Work-family balance and childbearing intentions in France, Germany and Russia
2009, XXVI IUSSP International population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Muresan, C.
Becoming a Mother in Romania: Exploring the Effect of Education
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
History of leave policies in the Czech Republic
2009, The 6th International Seminar on Leave Policy and Research: Leave policies within the family-related policies ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Family policy in the Czech Republic within the EU context
2009, 5. International Anthropological Congress of Aleš Hrdlicka ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Fent, T. and Diaz, B. A.
Family policies in the context of low fertility and social structure
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Dommermuth, L. and Klobas, J. and Lappegård, T.
Now or later? The theory of planned behaviour and fertility intentions
2009, Dondena Working Papers , 20
URL, RIS, BibTex
Devolder, D.
The role of involuntary factors in explaining the gap between desired and realized fertility in developed countries
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Charton, L. and Surkov, S.
Births and Fertility Intentions in France and Russia
2009, XXVIe congrès international d’étude de la population de l’UIESP ,
RIS, BibTex
Breton, D. and Prioux, F.
Infertility in France and Germany: different interpretations of a growing phenomenon
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Breton, D. and Prioux, F.
Analyse de l’infécondité en France et en Allemagne : des lectures différentes d’un phénomène de plus en plus fréquent ?
2009, XXVIe congrès international d’étude de la population de l’UIESP ,
RIS, BibTex
Billari, F.-C. and Kohler, H. P.
Fertility and happiness in the XXI century: institutions, preferences, and their interactions
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Beaujouan, E. and Solaz, A.
“The child of last chance”: the role of biological clock in fertility timing in France, Germany and Italy
2009, IUSSP Conference 2009 , International Union for the Scientific Study of Population,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Beaujouan, E. and Solaz, A.
The child of last chance: the role of biological clock in fertility timing in France, Germany and Italy
2009, XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Beaujouan, E. and Solaz, A.
L’enfant de la dernière chance : le rôle de l’horloge biologique sur le calendrier des naissances en Allemagne, France et Italie
2009, XXVIe congrès international d’étude de la population de l’UIESP ,
RIS, BibTex
Beaujouan, E. and Prioux, F.
Se remettre en couple après la rupture : rôle de l’âge et des enfants dans les différences entre les hommes et les femmes
2009, XXVIe congrès international d’étude de la population de l’UIESP ,
RIS, BibTex
Badurashvili, I. and Cosio-Zavala, M. and Sebille, P. and Candelas, J.-A.
Genre, dynamiques matrimoniales et fécondité en France et en Géorgie. Une comparaison à partir des enquêtes GGS
2009, XXVIe congrès international d’étude de la population de l’UIESP ,
RIS, BibTex
Perelli-Harris, B. and Kreyenfeld, M. and Sigle-Rushton, W. and Lappegard, T. and Jasilioniene, A. and Di Giulio, P. and Keizer, R. and Berghammer, C. and Köppen, K.
The increase in fertility in cohabitation across Europe: examining the intersection between union status and childbearing
2009, MPIDR Working paper (Germany) , 021 , 42
URL, RIS, BibTex
Diehl, C. and Koenig, M.
Religiosität türkischer Migranten im Generationenverlauf: Ein Befund und einige Erklärungsversuche
2009, Zeitschrift für Soziologie , 38 , 300-319
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Beaujouan, E. and Villeneuve-Gokalp, C.
Neither single, nor in a couple. A study of living apart together in France
2009, Demographic Research , 21 (4) , 75-108
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Do survey respondents give the same answers when the partner/spouse is present?
2009, Methods of Evaluating the Quality of Data Collection in Surveys ,
RIS, BibTex
Perelli-Harris, B. and Sigle-Rushton, W. and Lappegard, T. and Jasilioniene, A. and DiGuilio, P. and Keizer, R. and Koeppen, K. and Berghammer, C. and Kreyenfeld, M.
Examining nonmarital childbearing in Europe: How does union context differ across countries?
2009, MPIDR Working Paper , 021 , 1-42
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Is family policy in the Central European countries failing?
2009, SASE conference: Economic Regulation and Social Solidarity After the Fall of Finance Capitalism ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rahnu, L.
Patterns of first-union formation in Estonia: Timing of cohabitation among native and foreign-origin women
2009, QMSS Immigration and population dynamics seminar ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Domingo, P.
Le quotidien des familles recomposées
2009, Politiques sociales et familiales , 96 , 96-104
URL, RIS, BibTex
Breton, D. and Prioux, F.
The one-child family: France in the European context
2009, Demographic Research , 20 (27) , 657-692
Svobodová, K.
Strategie a praktiky slad'ování rodinných a pracovních rolí [Strategies and practices of work-life balance].
2009, XXXIX. Konference ceské demografické spolecnosti: Žena a muž v rodin? a na trhu práce [XXXIX. Conference of the Czech Demographic Society: Woman and Man at Home and at the Labour Market] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Neúplné rodiny - žena jako zamestnankyne nebo pecovatelka? Možnosti rodin a prístupy rodinných politik [Lone-parent families – women as employees or care-givers? Options for families and policy approaches]
2009, XXXIX. Konference ceské demografické spolecnosti: Žena a muž v rodin? a na trhu práce [XXXIX. Conference of the Czech Demographic Society: Woman and Man at Home and at the Labour Market] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rychtaríková, J.
Názory ceské spolecnosti na postavení muže a ženy v rodine a na trhu práce [The Opinions of Czech Society on the Position of Men and Women in the Family and in the Labour Market]]
2009, XXXIX. Konference ?eské demografické spolecnosti: Žena a muž v rodine a na trhu práce [XXXIX. Conference of the Czech Demographic Society: Woman and Man at Home and at the Labour Market] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kucharová, V.
K otázce podmín?nosti sla?ování rodiny a zam?stnání individuálními a strukturálními faktory [On Determination of Work-life Balance by Private and Societal Influences]
2009, XXXIX. konference Ceské demografické spole?nosti: Žena a muž v rodin? a na trhu práce [XXXIX. Conference of the Czech Demographic Society: Woman and Man at Home and at the Labour Market] , Czech Statistical Office,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Reprodukcní chování Ceské populace v evropském kontextu
2009, 13. rocník konference o sexualite a lidských vztazích [The 13th conference on sexuality and relations] ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rijken, A. J. and Thomson, E.
His and her realtionship quality: effects on childbearing.
2009, Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Rijken, A. J. and Knijn, T.
Couples' decision-making on having a first child: comparing pathways to early and late parenthood
2009, Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Perelli-Harris, B. and Sigle-Rushton, W. and Lappegård, T. and Jasilioniene, A. and Di Giulio, P. and Keizer, R. and Koeppen, K. and Kostova, D.
Does childbearing change the meaning of cohabitation? Examining non-marital childbearing across Europe
2009, Annual Meeting of Population Association of America 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Billari, F. and Kohler, H.-P.
Fertility and happiness in the XXI century: institutions, preferences, and their interactions
2009, Annual Meeting of Population Association of America 2009 ,
RIS, BibTex
Marc Luy
Estimating mortality differentials in developed populations from survey information on maternal and paternal orphanhood
2009, European Demographic Research Papers ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Svobodová, K.
Demografický vývoj v CR se zamerenim na vybrané príhranicní regiony [Demographic developments in the CR with a focus on selected border regions].
2009, Demographischer Wandel und Fachkräfteentwicklung im Dreiländereck ,
RIS, BibTex
Rychtaríková, J.
Population aging a common challenge for European
2009, AAG Annual Meeting ,
RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Mise en scène de la vie quotidienne : répond-on de la même manière en présence de son conjoint?
2009, Journées de méthodologie statistique de l’INSEE 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Puur, A. and Sakkeus, L.
Family constellations in Europe: differentials across population groups
2009, Multilinks project meeting ,
RIS, BibTex
Kocourková, J.
Lowest-low fertility in Europe: Is there a need for population-friendly policies?
2009, AAG Annual Meeting ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Marion Burkimsher
Assessment of fertility indicators derived from GGP samples Bulgaria, Hungary and Georgia
2009, University of Lausanne,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Vignoli, D.
Chi desidera molti o pochi figli? Francia e Italia a confronto
2009, Intenzioni di fecondità tra speranza e realtà ,
RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Vignoli, D.
Figli unico o famiglia numerosa : chi si allonta dalla norma dei due figli? Un confronto tra i desideri di fecondità in Francia e Italia
2009, Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2009 , Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Diritto allo studio,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A.
Non da soli, non in coppia. Uno studio del Living Apart together in Francia
2009, Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2009 ,
RIS, BibTex
Rault, W.
The French specificity of the Civil Solidarity Pact
2009, Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2009 ,
RIS, BibTex
Prioux, F.
Non-marital cohabitation in France
2009, Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2009 ,
RIS, BibTex
Lucifora, C. and Meurs, D.
The role of the family and economic outcomes
2009, Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2009 ,
RIS, BibTex
Beaujouan, E.
La rupture d’union: simple interruption ou tournant de la vie conjugale et féconde?
2009, Les Lundis de l’INED 2009 ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Yoshida, C.
The Choice of Discussion Network: From the Viewpoint of Gender and Generation
2009, Journal of Population Problem , 61 (4) , 39-56
URL, RIS, BibTex
Yoshida, C.
The Relationship between Working Hours and Household Production Time in Japanese Wives and Husbands
2009, Journal of Population Problem , 65 (2) , 3-20
URL, RIS, BibTex
Wengler, A. and Trappe, H. and Schmitt, C.
Alles wie gehabt? Zur Aufteilung von Hausarbeit und Elternaufgaben in Partnerschaften // Has anything really changed? On the division of housework and parental tasks in partnerships
2009, Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft , 34 (1-2) , 57–78
Vikat, A.
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Vignoli, D. and Régnier-Loilier, A.
Chi non desidera due figli? Uno studio comparativo tra Francia e Italia
2009, Rivista di studi familiari , 1 , 19-39
Veenstra, M. and Slagsvold, B.
Helseatferd gjennom livsløpet: Hva betyr utdanning for vår helseatferd? [Health behaviour through the life-course: What does education mean for our health behaviour?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 45-53
URL, RIS, BibTex
Veenstra, M. and Lima, I.A. and Daatland, S.O
Helse, helseatferd og livsløp [Health, health behaviour and the life course]
2009, Rapport , 3
URL, RIS, BibTex
Veenstra, M.
Hva påvirker røykeslutt i eldre år? [What influences smoking cessation in old age?]
2009, Aldring og livsløp , 26 (3-4) , 16-20
URL, RIS, BibTex
Van Gaalen, R. and Van Poppel, F.
Long-term changes in the living arrangements of children in the Netherlands
2009, Journal of Family Issues , 30(5) , 653-669
URL, RIS, BibTex
How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change: Towards policies based on better knowledge
2009, United Nations,
RIS, BibTex
Tsuya, N.
Education, Regular Employment, and Partnership Formation in Japan
2009, Journal of Population Problem , 65 (2) , 45-63
URL, RIS, BibTex
Troitskaia, A. and Avdeev, I. and Badurashvili, I. and Kapanadze, E. and Tretiakova, V.
A comparative analysis of birth-control practices in Russia, Georgia, Lithuania and France
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 241-272
RIS, BibTex
Thorsen, K. and Clausen, S.E.
Sosial kontakt og ensomhet: Hvem er de ensomme? [Social contact and loneliness: Who are the lonely?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 74-78
URL, RIS, BibTex
Tabuchi, R.
Home-Leaving and Its Determinants in Japan, Germany and Italy
2009, Journal of Population Problem , 65 (2) , 28-44
RIS, BibTex
Svobodová, K.
Bydlení senioru v Ceské republice [Seniors Living in the Czech Republic].
2009, Fórum sociální politiky [Social Policy Forum] , 4 , 2-8
URL, RIS, BibTex
Suga, K.
Does Leaving Parental Home Accelerate the Timing of the 1st Marriage in the United States and Japan?
2009, Journal of Population Problem , 65 (3) , 40-57
URL, RIS, BibTex
Steinbach, A.
Die häusliche Aufgabenteilung bei Paaren mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund und einheimischen deutschen Paaren im Vergleich // The division of domestic tasks in the case of couples with a Turkish migration background, and native German couples in comparison
2009, Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft , 34 (1-2) , 79–104
Stankuniene, V. and Maslauskaite, A. (Eds)
Lietuvos šeima: tarp tradicijos ir naujos realybes [The Lithuanian Family: Between Tradition and New Reality]
2009, Socialiniu tyrimu institutas, Vilnius: Socialini? tyrim? institutas,
URL, RIS, BibTex
Št'astná, A.
Second Births in the Czech Republic
2009, Romanian Journal of Population Studies , 3 , 109-130
URL, RIS, BibTex
Spéder, Z. and Kapitány, B.
Ideational factors and parenthood. A gender- and parity-specific analysis in a post-Communist society
2009, Demographic Research Institute Hungarian Central Statistical Office Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare , 11 , 1-29
URL, RIS, BibTex
Spéder, Z. and Kapitány, B.
How are Time-Dependent Childbearing Intentions Realized? Realization, Postponement, Abandonment, Bringing Forward
2009, European Journal of Population , 8 , 12
URL, RIS, BibTex
Solem, P.E. and Nicolaisen, M and Finseraas, H.
Eldre i arbeidslivet: Når er det på tide å bli pensjonist? [Elderly people in the labour market: When is it time to retire?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 36-39
URL, RIS, BibTex
Solem, P.E. and Nicolaisen, M. and Finseraas, H.
Eldre i arbeidslivet: Dårlig fysisk helse – ingen hindring for å jobbe? [Elderly in the labour market: Poor physical health – not an obtsacle to work?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 40-44
URL, RIS, BibTex
Solaz, A.
Histoire conjugale et division du travail au sein du couple
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
RIS, BibTex
Slagsvold, B. and Sørensen, A.M.
Opplevelse av kontroll: Tror mer enn før på innflytelse over eget liv [Sense of control: People believe more than before in their ability to influence their own lives]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 89-91
URL, RIS, BibTex
Slagsvold, B. and Daatland, S.O. and Brunborg, H. and Lima, I.A.
Holdninger til ansvar for gamle foreldre i syv europeiske land: Er vi villig til å ta oss av gamle mor og far? [Attitudes towards taking care of elderly parents in seven countries: Are we willing to take care of elderly parents?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 99-104
URL, RIS, BibTex
Sebille, P. and Blum, A. and Zakharov, S.
Les premières étapes de l'histoire de vie en France et en Russie: Vers des modèles différents?
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , numéro special
RIS, BibTex
Sebille, P. and Blum, A. and Lefèvre, C.
La famille d’Est en ouest : un demi-siècle de transformations en Europe
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 354
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Sebille, P.
Un passage vers l'âge adulte en mutation?
2009, Portraits de familles. L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Ined, Paris,
RIS, BibTex
Rychtaríková, J. and Vano, B.
Plodnost v Ceské republice a ve Slovenské republice: staré a nové odlišnosti. Demografie. [Fertility in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic]
2009, Demografie [Demography] , 51 , 90-102
URL, RIS, BibTex
Ruckdeschel, K.
Rabenmutter contra Mère Poule: Kinderwunsch und Mutterbild im deutsch-französischen Vergleich [Uncaring mothers vs. mother hen: Desired fertility and perceptions of motherhood in a German-French comparison]
2009, Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft , 34 (1-2) , 105–134
Renaut, S. and Ogg, J.
Parcours de vie et situation professionnelle en seconde partie de carrière
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
RIS, BibTex
Régnier-Loilier, A. and Vivas, E.
Les déterminants de la fréquence des rencontres entre parents et enfants
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
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Régnier-Loilier, A. and Vignoli, D.
Enfant unique ou famille nombreuse: qui s’écarte de la norme des deux enfants? Comparaison des souhaits de fécondité en France et en Italie
2009, Revue des sciences sociales , 41 , 16-29
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Régnier-Loilier, A. and Valetas, M.-F. and Korchagina, I. and Prokofieva, L. and Baublyte, M. and Stankuniene, V.
Les enfants après la séparation des parents en France, en Russie et en Lituanie : des relations différentes avec la mère et avec le père?
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 3-4 (40) , 63-98
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Régnier-Loilier, A. and Prokofieva, L. and Korchagina, I. and Valetas, M.-F.
Parents, enfants et beaux-enfants après un divorce, en France, en Russie et en Géorgie – Des relations différentes selon le sexe?
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , numéro special
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Régnier-Loilier, A. and Prioux, F.
Comportements familiaux et pratique religieuse en France
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
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Régnier-Loilier, A. and Lincot, L.
Dictionnaire des codes. Seconde vague de l’enquête Érfi
2009, INED Working Paper , , 463
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Régnier-Loilier, A. and Guisse, N.
Mise en scène de la vie quotidienne. Dit-on les mêmes choses en présence de son conjoint ?
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
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Régnier-Loilier, A. and Beaujouan, E. and Villeneuve-Gokalp, C.
Ni seuls, ni en couple. Les relations amoureuses stables non cohabitantes
2009, Portraits de familles. L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Grandes Enquêtes,
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Régnier-Loilier, A. and Badurashvili, I. and Tsiklauri, S.
Family situations, the timing of the move from the parents’ home and intergenerational relations in Georgia and France
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 99-132
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Régnier-Loilier, A.
L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles. Du projet international à l’enquête française
2009, Portraits de familles. L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Grandes Enquêtes,
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Régnier-Loilier, A.
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
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Régnier-Loilier, A.
Portraits de familles. L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles
2009, Ined, Paris,
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L'étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles. Du projet international à l'enquête française.
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
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Rault, W. and Letrait, M.
Choix du pacte civil de solidarité et rapport à la religion
2009, Politiques sociales et familiales , 96 , 41-54
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Rault, W. and Letrait, M.
La diversité des formes d’union et l’ordre sexué
2009, Photos de famille. Premiers résultats de l’enquête , Ined, Paris,
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Puur, A. and Sakkeus, L.
Family constellations in Europe: evidence from the GGS analysis.
2009, Paper presented to Multilinks project meeting. ,
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Puur, A. and Põldma, A. and Sakkeus, L.
Change and continuity in partnership and childbearing patterns: early evidence from the Estonian GGS.
2009, The Baltic countries: Population, Family and Family Policy , Institute for Social Research,
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Puur, A. and Põldma, A. and Sakkeus, L.
Estonian family and fertility survey, 2nd round. Standard tabulations. Foreign-origin population.
2009, RU Series C , 27
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Prioux, F.
Les couples non mariés en 2005 : quelles différences avec les couples mariés?
2009, Politiques sociales et familiales , 96 , 87-95
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Pollet, T.V. amd Nettle, D.
Birth order and adult family relationships: Firstborns have better sibling relationships than laterborns.
2009, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships , 26 , 1029-1046
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Pailhé, A. and Sinyavskaya, O.
Position relative des conjoints dans l’emploi et valeurs de genre. Une comparaison entre la France et la Russie
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , special issue
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Pailhé, A.
Work-family balance and childbearing intentions in France, Germany and the Russian Federation
2009, How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change. Towards policies based on better knowledge , United Nations,
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Nishioka, H. and Hoshi, A.
Causal Relationship between Husbands’ Work-Life Balance and Wives’ Desire to Bear Children
2009, Journal of Population Problem , 65 (3) , 58-72
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Neyer, G. and Rieck, D.
Moving towards gender equality
2009, How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change: Towards policies based on better knowledge , United Nations,
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Naderi, R. and Ruckdeschel, K.
Fertilität von Männern
2009, Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell. Mitteilungen aus dem Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung , 30 (4) , 2-9
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Naderi, R. and Dorbritz, J. and Ruckdeschel, K.
Der Generations and Gender Survey in Deutschland – Zielsetzung, Verortung, Einschränkungen und Potenziale [The Generations and Gender Survey in Germany: goals, placing, restrictions and potentials]
2009, Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft , 34 (1-2) , 5–30
Muresan, C.
Parintii, copiii si casa parinteasca
2009, Studiul Generatii si Gen. Raport valul I 2007 , UNFPA, MPIDR, INS,
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Muresan, C.
Parteneriate de viata
2009, Studiul Generatii si Gen. Raport valul I 2007 , UNFPA, MPIDR, INS,
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Muresan, C.
Pqrinrii, copiii si casa parinteasca
2009, Studiul Generatii si Gen. Raport valul I 2007 , UNFPA, MPIDR, INS,
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Parteneriate de viata
2009, Studiul Generatii si Gen. Raport valul I 2007 , UNFPA, MPIDR, INS,
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Micheel, F. and Naderi, R.
Subjektive Einschätzung der ökonomischen Lage älterer Türkinnen und Türken im Zusammenhang mit ihrer sozialen Einbindung [Subjective assessment of the economic situation of older Turks in connection with their social inclusion ]
2009, Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft , 34 (1-2) , 165–198
Løwe, T.
Boforhold og tilfredshet med boligen: Eldre mest fornøyd med hvordan de bor [Housing conditions and satisfaction with housing: Elderly most satisfied with how they live]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 79-83
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Lima, I.A. and Slagsvold, B.
Naboskapsintegrasjon i Norge – forskjeller mellom by og land: Det gode nabolag finnes mest på bygda [Neighbourhood integration in Norway – differences between city and country: better neighbourhoods in the country]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 63-68
URL, RIS, BibTex
Lefèvre, C. and Prokofieva, L. and Korchaguina, I. and Stankuniene, V. and Gedvilaite, M. and Badurashvili, I. and Sirbiladze, M.
Le rôle de la famille et de la société dans les solidarités intergénérationnelles: comparaison des opinions en France, Géorgie, Lituanie et Russie [The role of family and society in intergenerational solidarity: A comparison of opinions in France, Georgia, Lithuania and Russia]
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 (3-4) , 315-345
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Lefèvre, C. and Kortchaguina, I. and Prokofieva, M.
Les différences d'opinions entre la France et la Russie sur le soutien entre générations
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
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Lefèvre, C.
Comment décliner nationalement sur le terrain un projet d’enquête internationale. L’expérience des enquêtes GGS en France, Russie et Géorgie
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , special issue (3-4)
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Lappegård, T. and Noack , T.
Barn, familie og jobb – holdninger og praksis gjennom 30 år: Familie og jobb i ulike kvinnegenerasjoner [Children, family, work – attitudes and practice over 30 years: Family and work in different female generations]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 20-24
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Lappegård, T.
Geografisk avstand til foreldre og barn: De fleste bor nær foreldre og voksne barn [Geographical distance from parents and children: Most people live close to parents and adult children]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 84-88
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Kucharová, V. and Št'astná, A. and Höhne, S. and Nešporová, O. and Paloncyová, J. and Svobodová, K.
Partnerství, rodina a mezigeneracní vztahy v ceské spolecnosti (Partnership, Family and Intergenerational Relations in the Czech Republic)
2009, Prague, VUPSV/RILSA,
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Kucharová, V.
Work-life balance: societal and private influences
2009, Czech Sociological Review , 45 , 1283-1310
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Kreyenfeld, M. and Konietzka, D. and Hornung, A.
Family diversity in France, Russian Federation, East and Western Germany: Overview on living arrangements and living conditions
2009, How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change , United Nations,
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Kocourková, J.
Current „Baby Boom“ in the Czech Republic and Family Policy
2009, Czech Demography , 3 , 10-21
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Kocourková, Jirina
Czech Republic: normative or choice-oriented system?
2009, The politics of parental leave policies: Children, parenting, gender and labour market. , Bristol: The Policy Press,
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Kjeldstad, R. and Lappegård, T.
Likestilling på hjemmebane: Mest fornøyd med (delvis) likestilling [Gender equality at home: Most are satified with (partial) gender equality]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 52-57
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kjeldstad, R. and Dommermuth, L.
Jobbtrivsel og mobilitet på arbeidsmarkedet: Hver fjerde ønsker å bytte jobb [Job satisfaction and labour market mobility: one in four would like to change jobs]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 29-35
URL, RIS, BibTex
Kitterød, R.H.
Rengjøringshjelp i norske husholdninger: Vaskehjelp vanligst i høystatusgrupper [Domestic service in Norwegian households: maid service common in high status groups]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 58-62
URL, RIS, BibTex
de Jong Gierveld, J.
Living arrangements, family bonds and the regional context affecting social integration of older adults in Europe
2009, How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change. Towards policies based on better knowledge , United Nations,
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Iwama, A.
Gender and the Sense of Burden Regarding Childrearing: A Comparative Analysis of Japan, Germany and Italy
2009, Journal of Population Problem , 65 (2) , 21-35
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Huinink, J.
2009, RatSWD working paper , 109 , 14
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Hubert, Sandra and Althammer, Jörg and Korucu-Rieger, Canan
Soziodemographische Merkmale und psychophysisches Befinden älterer türkischer Migrantinnen und Migranten in Deutschland: Eine Untersuchung auf Basis der Haupt- und Zusatzbefragung des Generations and Gender Survey der ersten Welle
2009, Schriftenreihe des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung , Working Paper 39 (39)
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Hoem, J. M. and Kostova, D. and Jasilioniene, A. and Muresan, C.
The structure of recent first-union formation in Romania
2009, Romanian Journal of Population Studies , 3 (1) , 33-44
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Hoem, J. M. and Kostova, D. and Jasilioniene, A. and Mure?an, C.
Traces of the Second Demographic Transition in four selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe: Union formation as a Demographic Manifestation
2009, European Journal of Population , 25 (3) , 239-255
Hobcraft, J.
Circumstances of young adults: Results from the Generations and Gender Programme
2009, How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change. Towards policies based on better knowledge , United Nations,
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Hintermeyer, P. and Avdeev, A.
Mal-être, genre et âge
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined, Paris,
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Heylen, L. and Mortelmans, D.
Explaining parent-child proximity in Eastern and Western Europe: a micro and macro perspective
2009, Multilinks deliverable , , 96
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Herlofson, K. and Slagsvold, B. and Lima, I.A.
Ansvar for gamle foreldre – fra holdninger til handlinger [Responsibility for elderly parents – from attitudes to behaviour]
2009, Aldring og livsløp , 26 (3-4) , 36-42
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Herlofson, K. and Hagestad, G.
Forholdet mellom skilte foreldre og voksne barn: God relasjon? Det spørs hvem som spørres [The relationship between divorced parents and adult children: Good relationship? It depends on who you ask]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 25-28
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Hansen, T. and Slagsvold, B.
Alder og livskvalitet: Eldre er tilfreds med livet – eller er det bare noe de tror? [Age and quality of life: the elderly are satisfied with life – or do they just think they are?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 95-98
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Hansen, T., and Slagsvold, B.
Alder og livskvalitet: Falsk eller ekte tilfredshet? [Age and quality of life: False or real satisfaction?]
2009, Aldring og livsløp , 26 (3-4) , 6-11
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Hansen, T. and Slagsvold, B.
Barn eller ikke barn – har det betydning for livskvalitet i siste halvdel av livet? [Children or not: Does it matter for well-being in the second half of life?]
2009, Aldring og livsløp (NorLAG data) , 1 , 6-12
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Hansen, T. and Slagsvold, B.
2009, Livskvalitet som psykisk velvære , Fagbokforlaget,
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Hagestad, G. and Herlofson, K.
Moderne besteforeldre — velferdsstatens heimevern? [Modern grandparents — the Home Guard of the welfare state?]
2009, Aldring og livsløp (NorLAG data) , 26 (3-4) , 44-47
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Hagestad, G. and Herlofson, K.
Dagens besteforeldre: Småbarnsfamiliens støttespillere [Today’s grandparents: supporters of families with young children]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 92-94
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Geurts, T. and Poortman, A. R. and Van Tilburg, T.G. and Dykstra, P.
Contact between grandchildren and theirs grandparents in early adulthood
2009, Journal of Family Issues , 30(12) , 1698-1713
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Fraboni (ed.), R.
Relazione tecnica sull’indagine sulle Criticità dei percorsi lavorativi in un’ottica di genere
2009, ISTAT,
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Indagini Famiglia e Soggetti Sociali e Criticità dei Percorsi Lavorativi in un’Ottica di Genere
2009, ISTAT,
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Finseraas, H. and Solem, P. E. and Nicolaisen, M.
Pensjonering og fritidsaktiviteter [Retirement and leisure activities]
2009, Aldring og livsløp , 26 (3-4) , 32-25
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Dykstra, P. and Keizer, R.
The well-being of childless men and fathers in mid-life.
2009, Ageing and Society , 29 , 1227-1242
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Dykstra, P.
Older adult loneliness: myths and realities
2009, European Journal of Ageing , 6(2) , 91–100
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Intergenerational relationships in ageing societies
2009, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Working Group on Ageing , 3 , 19
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Intergenerational relationships in ageing societies
2009, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Working Group on Ageing , ECE/WG.1/2009/3, 1-4
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Dorbritz, J.
Bilokale Paarbeziehungen – die Bedeutung und Vielfalt einer Lebensform [Bilocal couple relationships — the significance and variety of a living arrangement ]
2009, Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft , 34 (1-2) , 31–56
Dommermuth, L. and Noack, T. and Wiik, K. A.
Samlivsetablering – nye og vedvarende mønstre: Gift, samboer eller bare kjærester? [Union formation – new and persistent patterns: married, cohabiting or just lovers?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 13-19
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Dommermuth, L.
Utflytting fra oppveksthjemmet: Når flytter de unge hjemmefra? [Moving from the childhood home: When do young people move away from their parents?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 9-12
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Diehl, C. and Koenig, M. and Ruckdeschel, K.
Religiosity and gender equality: comparing natives and Muslim migrants in Germany
2009, Ethnic and Racial Studies , 32 , 278-301
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Daatland, S-O. and Koløen, K.
Aktiviteter og aktivitetsformer over livsløpet [Activities and forms of activities over the life course]
2009, Aldring og livsløp , 26 (3-4) , 22-27
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Daatland, S.O. and Veenstra, M. and Lima, I.A.
Helse, familie og omsorg over livsløpet [Health, family, and care over the life course]
2009, NOVA Rapport , 4 , 95
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Daatland, S.O. and Slagsvold, B. and Lima, I.A.
Folkemeningen om familiens og velferdsstatens ansvar, i syv europeiske land: Hvor langt strekker familiens ansvar seg? [Peoples' opinions about the responsibility of the family and the welfare state in seven European countries]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 105-109
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Daatland, S.O. and Slagsvold, B. and Lima, A.I.
Population ageing, intergenerational solidarity and the family-welfare state balance: A comparative exploration
2009, How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change: Towards policies based on better knowledge , United Nations,
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Daatland, S.O.
How to balance generations. Solidarity dilemmas in a European perspective
2009, Valuing older people: A humanist approach to ageing , Policy Press,
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Cosio-Zavala, M. and Sebille, P.
Que peut-on apprendre sur le genre à partir de l'enquête ERFI?
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined,
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Cordazzo, P.
Les liens entre structures familiales et précarité
2009, Portraits de familles , Ined,
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Concepts d’analyse socio-démographiques à l’épreuve de la comparabilité. Bilan méthodologique
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , special issue
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Charton, L. and Surkov, S. and Baublyte, M. and Stankuniene, V.
Intentions de fécondité et naissances en France, Lituanie et Russie
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 , 209-239
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Charton, L.
Du désir d’enfant à la première et deuxième naissance
2009, Photos de familles. Premiers résultats de l’enquête Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Ined, Paris,
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Charton, L.
Le temps de la maternité : entre « choix » et organisation
2009, Générations et cycles de vie. Au carrefour des temps biologiques et psychosociaux , Presses de l’Université du Québec,
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Buber, I. and Neuwirth, N.
Familienentwicklung in Österreich. Erste Ergebnisse des Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) 2008/09
2009, Vienna Institute of Demography, Österreichisches Institut, Austrian Institute for Family Studies & Vienna Institute of Demography,
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Brunborg, H. and Slagsvold, B. and Lappegård, T.
Livsløp, generasjon og kjønn (LOGG) [Life-couse, generations and gender]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 2-8
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Brugeilles, C. and Sebille, P.
La participation des pères aux soins et à l’éducation des enfants. L’influence des rapports sociaux de sexe entre les parents et entre les générations
2009, Politiques sociales et familiales , 95 , 19-32
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Brugeilles, C. and Sebille, P.
Pères et mères face aux activités parentales: un partage inégalitaire
2009, Portraits de familles L'enquête Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Ined, Paris,
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Breton, D. and Prioux, F.
Observer la situation et l'histoire familiale des enfants
2009, Portraits de familles, L’enquête Etude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Ined, Paris,
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Bourgeois, A. and Légaré, J.
Comment la démographie façonne la population des grands-parents
2009, Portraits de familles. L'enquête Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Ined, Paris,
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Bonnet, C. and Destré, G.
Veuvage et système de retraite: connaissance et opinions sur le dispositif de réversion
2009, Portraits de familles. L'enquête Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Ined, Paris,
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Blum, A. and Sebille, P. and Régnier-Loilier, A.
Dynamiques socio-démographiques et aires culturelles entre Europes de l’Est et de l’Ouest. Comparaisons entre la France, la Géorgie, la Lituanie et la Russie à partir de la première vague GGS
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , numéro special
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Blum, A. and Lefévre, C. and Sebille, P. and Badurashvili, I. and Régnier-Loilier, A. and Stankuniene, V. and Sinyavskaya, O.
The family anyway: France, Georgia, Lithuania, Russia (La famille dans tous ces États : France, Géorgie, Lituanie, Russie)
2009, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 40 , 5-35
URL, RIS, BibTex
Billari, F. C.
The happiness commonality: fertility decisions in low-fertility settings
2009, How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change. Towards policies based on better knowledge , United Nations,
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Billari, F., Philipov D. Testa M. R.
Attitudes, norms and perceived behavioral control: explaining fertility intentions in Bulgaria
2009, European Journal of Population , 25 , 439-465
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Berghammer, C.
Religious socialisation and fertility: transition to third birth in the Netherlands
2009, European Journal of Population ,
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Beaujouan, E. and Régnier-Loilier, A. and Villeneuve-Gokalp, C.
Ni seuls, ni en couple. Étude des relations amoureuses stables non cohabitantes [Neither single, nor in a couple. A study of living apart together in France]
2009, Portraits de Familles : L’enquête Étude des Relations Familiales et Intergénérationnelles. , INED,
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Beaujouan, E.
Les séparations au fil des unions: répétition ou apprentissage?
2009, Portraits de Familles, L’Enquête Etude des Relations Familiales et Intergénérationnelles , Ined, Paris,
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Baykara-Krumme, H. and Fuß, D.
Heiratsmigration nach Deutschland: Determinanten der transnationalen Partnerwahl türkeistämmiger Migranten
2009, Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft , 34 (1-2) , 135–164
Bauer, D.
Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle : Question de santé ou de bien-être pour les femmes ?
2009, Documentation Française,
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Bauer, D.
L'organisation des tâches domestiques et parentales dans le couple
2009, Portraits de familles. L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles , Ined, Paris,
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Barstad, A.
Vennskap: Gode venner- sjeldne fugler? [Friendship: Good friends – rare birds?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 69-73
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Barstad, A.
Utenfor allfarvei: Begeistring - bare for de unge? [Off the beaten track: enthusiasm – only for the young?]
2009, Samfunnsspeilet , 23 (1) , 110
URL, RIS, BibTex
Austria, S.
Generations and gender survey
2009, Familienentwicklung in Österreich ,
URL, RIS, BibTex
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