Alyona Artamonova, Tiia Sorsa, Venla Berg, Anna Erika Hägglund, and Anna Rotkirch
Counting on parents or others? The role of social support for fertility intentions in Finland
2024, Finnish Yearbook of Population Research , 57 , 165-190
DOI, RIS, BibTex
  author = "Alyona Artamonova, Tiia Sorsa, Venla Berg, Anna Erika Hägglund, and Anna Rotkirch",
  title = "Counting on parents or others? The role of social support for fertility intentions in Finland",
  year = 2024,
  journal = "Finnish Yearbook of Population Research",
  volume = 57,
  pages = "165-190",
  doi = "https://doi.org/10.23979/fypr.131297"