Alan Puur, Lule Sakkeus, Liili Abuladze, Mark Gortfelder, Martin Klesment, Leen Rahnu, and Tiina Tambaum
The Estonian Generations and Gender Survey 2020:: Experience with large-scale web-based data collection.
2024, Finnish Yearbook of Population Research , 57 , 127-144
DOI, RIS, BibTex
  author = "Alan Puur, Lule Sakkeus, Liili Abuladze, Mark Gortfelder, Martin Klesment, Leen Rahnu, and Tiina Tambaum",
  title = "The Estonian Generations and Gender Survey 2020:: Experience with large-scale web-based data collection.",
  year = 2024,
  journal = "Finnish Yearbook of Population Research",
  volume = 57,
  pages = "127-144",
  doi = "https://doi.org/10.23979/fypr.141918"