Arnstein Aassve, Giulia Fuochi, Letizia Mencarini, Daria Mendola
What is your couple type? Gender ideology, housework sharing, and babies
2015, Demographic Research , 32 (30) , 835-858
URL, RIS, BibTex
  author = "Arnstein Aassve, Giulia Fuochi, Letizia Mencarini, Daria Mendola",
  title = "What is your couple type? Gender ideology, housework sharing, and babies",
  year = 2015,
  journal = "Demographic Research",
  volume = 32,
  number = 30,
  pages = "835-858",
  month = "Apr",
  url = "http://www.demographic-research.org/volumes/vol32/30/32-30.pdf"