Organisation / Operational Level


The operational level of GGP encompasses the Central Coordination (Central Coordination Team and Coordinator) and supporting nodes.

Central Coordination

The Central Coordination Team (CCT) is responsible for the daily management of the GGP. This includes implementing the governance of the GGP and organising technical support to members of the Consortium Board in the implementation of the objectives of the research infrastructure. The CCT consist of the Director and the operational GGP staff. Click here for information on the current CCT members.

The CCT reports to the Central Coordinator, the Steering Committee, and the Consortium Board. The Central Coordinator is the institution hosting the CCT. It is chosen by the Consortium Board from among its members. Currently, the CCT is based at the NIDI-KNAW.


The Nodes are organisations that provide technical support and services to the Central Coordination Team for the implementation of part of the GGP objectives. They provide a service through in‐kind contributions to the GGP central activities and carry out work as assigned to them by the Director within the limits of the service agreement. Current Nodes are:

Nodes are selected for their know‐how and are appointed and dismissed by the Consortium Board upon proposal of the Director.

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