Organisation / Governance Level


The governance level of GGP encompasses the Director, the Consortium Board, and the Steering Committee. These bodies oversee the functioning of the GGP and approve or reject its direction.



The Director is appointed by the Consortium Board and has the authority to act on behalf of the GGP. He/she carries out the day-to-day management of the research infrastructure and is responsible for the implementation of decisions taken by the Consortium Board. The Director chairs the Steering Committee and leads the Central Coordination Team. The Director reports to the Steering Committee and the Consortium Board.

The current director is Anne Gauthier.

Consortium Board

The Consortium Board (CB) is the ultimate decision‐making body of the GGP and meets at least once a year. It decides on essential matters, such as content, finances and intellectual property rights. Moreover, the CB deals with changes within the GGP. This includes, among others, appointing the Director, deciding on the entry and withdrawal of a member of the CB or the GGP Council to/from the research infrastructure, and assigning and dismissing members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Board.

The CB consists of institutions that pledge their resources and know-how to the development, coordination and promotion of the GGP. Each CB member appoints an authorized representative (and one substitute).

Full members

Bocconi University, Dondena Centre for Social Dynamics and Public Policy
Prof. Dr. Francesco Billari (Chair of the Consortium Board), Prof. Dr. Letizia Mencarini (main contact)
Demography Unit, Stockholm University, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Andersson
Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany
Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard (main contact), Dr. Detlev Lück, Dr. Robert Naderi
Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest
Prof. Dr. Zsolt Spéder
Institut National d’Études Démographiques, Paris, France  
Dr. Laurent Toulemon (main contact), Mr. Thomas Wiest
Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands  
Prof. Dr. Anne Gauthier (main contact), Prof. Dr. Aat Liefbroer
Bildergebnis für Tallinn University logo Tallinn University, Estonia
Prof. Dr. Luule Sakkeus (main contact), Dr. Leen Rahnu
Bildergebnis für University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business, Croatia
Prof. Dr. Ivan Čipin (main contact), Dr. Petra Međimurec
Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Prof. Dr. Monika Mynarska (main contact), Prof. Dr. Irena E. Kotowska 
Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, Austria
Dr. Isabella Buber-Ennser

Vytautas Magnus University, Centre for Demographic Research
Prof. Dr. Aušra Maslauskaitė

Statistics Norway
Dr. Lars Dommermuth



Population Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Ms. Lisa Warth
University of Southampton, United Kingdom 
Prof. Dr. Brienna Perelli-Harris

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee (SC) breaks the GGP strategy down into day-to-day activities and advises the Director, the Central Coordinator and the Central Coordination Team on emerging issues. The SC further seeks consensus among the members of the Consortium Board and validates the content and timing of GGP communication activities.

The Director chairs the meetings of the SC and reports on its activities to the Consortium Board at least once a year.

The SC has a maximum of five members, including the Director, the Chair of the Consortium Board and, if applicable, the co-Chair, the Chair of the GGP Council, and one or two additional members who are appointed and dismissed by the Consortium Board from among its members. Current members are:

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