About / About Us

The Central Coordination Team

The Central Coordination Team (CCT) manages the GGP. You can reach the CCT by email to ggp@nidi.nl or by filling in the contact form on this website. The CCT consists of the Director and the operational GGP staff:

Prof. Dr. Anne Gauthier | Director
Scientific direction; Management of the infrastructure; Liaison with international partners and stakeholders



Dr. Vytenis Juozas Deimantas | Research Infrastructure Manager
Governance Matters; Fundraising; Impact; Collaboration with international partners and stakeholders




Dr. Katharina Runge | Dissemination officer & Research fellow
Data dissemination & Impact; international partnership; policy officer




Dr. Olga Grünwald | Data Coordination
Data management



Orlaith Tunney, MSc | Fieldwork Officer & PhD researcher
Fieldwork preparations; Support to national teams



Ilaria Lunardelli, MSc | Junior Researcher
Survey methodology




Julia Rokos, MSc | Junior Researcher
Fieldwork preparations; Support to national teams; User feedback and queries



Thibaud Ritzenthaler, MSc | Data Documentation officer
Data documentation




Aisling Connolly, MSc | Junior Researcher 
Data processing; User feedback and queries; Dissemination and impact




Xiao Xu, MSc | Data Scientist & PhD researcher
Data processing; Data analysis




Dr. Yuliya Kazakova | Research Fellow



Esma Savaş, MSc | Research Fellow & PhD researcher



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